Here's another
WONDER WOMAN Movie Casting rumor... although it does have some substance to it....
JILL WAGNER (Blade TV Series) has met with
Joss Whedon to discuss possibly being Diana in the
WW Movie. I never watched the Blade TV Series, so I have no idea how she is as an actress. She's kind of "Linda Carter"-esque. But WW is an
Amazonian Goddess who can go mano-o-mano with Supeman. I'd prefer someone who has more body mass to them, not some skinny model chick. Also, WW is very smart and should exude respect, wisdom, beauty and intelligence. I don't hate the [possible] choice, but I don't love it either.
Previous WW Movie posts.
Here are some more pics of Wagner(sorry, it seems the only pics of her online are from this STUFF spread): 
My personal choices for WW would be
Jennifer Connelly or
Monica Belluci
I don't know about Jennifer Connelly... she looks like she's caught the wafer thin bug lately. She would need to rediscover the joys of eating first.
as long as she looks like a "WOMAN", who commands respesct and when she enters a room...instaed of a playmate, stripper girl, who you just want to bed..I will have no problem,..but we all know that won't happen.....
I heard they're going with Sophia Bush.
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