Monday, July 09, 2007


You may have heard this already.... This past thursday, the British Broadcasting Corp reported that airport security detained James Hetfield at London's Luton Airport. No, it wasn't because of Metallica's last shitty album, "St Anger". No, it was because of his "Taliban-like beard." Tha't's right, they detained him because of his beard. I feel safe knowing the "War on Terror" is being run by such competent folk. Personally, they would have had my support if the detainment WAS for St. Anger. Abyssmal.
Edited - thanks, Fraser! (oops)


Fraser Lovatt said...

Dude, he was detained briefly by airport security. The BBC is the national broadcaster -- they have no remit to arrest anyone: that'd be like locked up by HBO.

Fraser Lovatt said...

... like being locked up by HBO. I shouldn't be concentrating on ice cream whilst typing preachy comments.

Anyway, seen the 1-18-08 trailer? How awesome does it look on a scale of 10 to 11?

Jim said...

Hahahaha! Oops, sorry.... it was meant to read "This past thursday, the British Broadcasting Corp reported that airport security detained James Hetfield at London's Luton Airport."

Sorry, I tend to post super fast and rarely proofread.

Thanks, Fraser!