Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Ok, I saw Superman Returns last tuesday at an early screening.... and then saw it again this past sunday. I can easily spend 5 hours typing up my review of this flick. But I'll spare us all that. Instead, here are my main points I'd like to make:

* The Superman action scenes were awesome! Anytime he was using his powers, it was spectacular. I wanted more!

* Where the first 2 Superman movies had SUPERMAN as the focus character, this is more about CLARK. Even when he's in the suit, he's still Clark. I think Smallville is the cause of this. It's not necessarily bad or anything, but it makes this film a diff't film all together than the previous ones. This is a Clark Kent movie.

* Brandon Routh does a great Clark, but his Superman is lacking. When in the suit, he just doesn't have the larger-than-life presence that Superman exudes. Also, his Superman has too much Clark still in it. The only time where he does a decent Superman is on the plane where he tells the passangers....... Great writing and decent performance. But again, he also looks too young and too small-framed to be a great Superman. Perhaps the next outing he will be better....? Hit the gym, Routh, and barrel up that chest, damnit!

* Singer does a good job setting up scenes, character interactions and structuring the movie itself - lots of parallels throughout.

* The 1st Half was quite good. But by midway, it takes a nosedive down and becomes slow and abit boring. The ending is very anti-climatic.

* Overall, its a good MOVIE, but not a very good SUPERMAN movie.

* Ratings:
A Movie In General: B+
Clark Kent Movie: B
Superman Movie: B-/C+
Overall: B

Click here for more, but be WARNED, there are SPOILERS in there!!


Anonymous said...

Nice synopsis. While long I felt that your review was fair and sound. However there where several points when i was reading your comments that I felt I could interject and give a different opinion. But overall I felt like the reviewer had done his research if not a bit overhanded on the clark vs. superman sentimentality.
This blogger give this review a 4 out of 5 Jimmies.

Anonymous said...

personaly, I felt the movie was more about Lois than clark (i really don't remeber that many scenes with 'Clark'. I agree that the "Superman" stuff was awsome,..the story itself kind of sucked. And of course there is ...."the kid"......Useless, completely unnecessary character....Overall it was a solid 'B',...7 out of 10. Solid Movie, just not great,..and yes,. it got boring and somewhat anti-clamactic.

Anonymous said...

oh yea,..Superman is kind of a tool in this movie. OK,..put yourself in cyclop's shoes....Your married to the woman you love, a kid,..and then all of a sudden her ex-boyfriend from WAY back shows up, and kind of starts to try and smooos her. WTF?? and it's not that he really "wants" her,..he just doese it to prove to himself that 'he's still got it' ......."yea,..she still digs me...hehe. now I'm outta here..."

-what a dick..........

Anonymous said...

I went into seeing this movie with POOR expectations and envisioning the worst possible movie. And I was pleasantly surprised. I mostly agree with the JimSmash review. I was GREATLY surprised at what a good job Routh did. These months leading up I've been really negative on him! But WOW what a surprise! Yes, he played a GREAT Clark, but like Jim said I wanted to see more of the Superman on the plane. That whole plane scene was kickass and I agree on the anti-climactic ending and slowdown as the movie progressed. Growing kryptnonight (sp?) crystals? Ho-hum-boring. Now if there had been Kryptonight astroids/meteors showering the earth...and Superman had to go and save the planet. Now THAT maybe would have been way cooler. I give it a B. Also I would have like to have seen more face to face/one on one between Superman and Lex Luthor. I guess they are saving that for the next one. Speaking of did you guys see the trailer for Spidey 3??? COOL!!!!!!!!! But next May??!!! WTF?????

Lisa said...

Well, I'm glad to know that I wasn't the only one who found it to be slow and a bit boring in places. There were times where I just kept thinking, yeah I get that he can fly and it looks cool...let's get on with it. And there were parts so quiet I could hear people farting in the front row. I too was surprised at the fact that I liked Bosworth as Lois and Routh as Clark. The superboy - don't get me started on how much I don't like that 'cause I could give you a list!

All in all, a good movie. Great effects, decent story, great acting from just about everyone. But they could have shortened it up and kept it moving a bit more. Too bad it's not doing better in the theaters.

Jim said...

By all means, Lisa, share your anger regarding superboy!!! :)