Over at AliensCollection.com, was a link provided by Sabres 21768 to a nice ALIENS fanart picture gallery (a few are professional). And some pics were even take off of JimSmash! Yay, I'm an Aliens source!
Below are some of my favorites. Link to full gallery at bottom.
Nice, makes me think of Heavy Metal mag from the 70s --Creepy --Heh --Underwater, yet they don't look like the crappy Resurrection aliens, which is a good thing! --Nice! --Can you name the 2 reasons why the above image bugs me? Cool pic overall, tho!
I love the Cameron/Winston Alien. --Ha! --Cameron/Winston aliens in a hive. Sweet. --I think I've seen this before.... Simon Bisley???? -- Hive reminds me of Den Beauvais --Dig the subtle skull eyes behind the dome! --Nice mood! --
The Predaliens are on leashes? Really?
You guessed both reasons!
Awesome gallery. I still need to frame up the original drawings I got from Den...
I think you meant to say, "I still need to send Jim those original drawings I got from Den..."
and I need to frame my 4 signed issues of Aliens: Book Two by Den.
What is up with the scantly clad babe with the Aliens? Love the Predator head at her feet, tho.
Yeah, my first reaction was, uh-oh, Predator Mandibles, plus submissive "pet" Aliens...Jim's gonna throw up.
Atleast the predaliens do not have dreadlocks and LOOK like aliens, for the most part.
(ARE they predaliens? or those super sentry thingies you posted about awhile back?)
Alien contest coming soon? Can anyone enter?
Details coming soon... when I get some free time and off my lazy keester.
Coolness...working on an image of Predators having their asses handed to them by a SINGLE Alien...as it should be.
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