(The Muppets)
*thanks, Anonymous!
(The Addams Family)
*thanks, Anonymous & Andrew!
(Back to the Future)
*thanks, Anonymous!
*thanks, Anonymous!

(The Addams Family)
*thanks, Anonymous & Andrew!
(Back to the Future)
*thanks, Anonymous!

*thanks, Jag!

*thanks, Jag!

(Total Recall)

(Marvel Comics)

Kingpin, Moondragon, Xavier & The Watcher
(Marvel Comics)

(Creature from the Black Lagoon)

(Return of the Jedi)

("Who loves ya, Baby?")

(Return of the Jedi)

(Batman TV Show)

(Austen Powers II)

(Batman TV Show)


(Alien Nation)


(G.I. Joe)


(Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom)

(Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Honorary Mentions:
Yule Brener, Jesse Ventura & Mac in 'Predator', Brando in 'Apocalypse Now', Funky Vamps in 'Blade II', THX 1138, The Commish/The Shield, Beta Ray Bill, Dr. Mindbender, Gung Ho, Roadblock, Martian Manhunter, Buttheads in Star Trek episode 'The Cage', Dr Zoidberg, R2-D2, Daleks, Freddy Krueger, John Candy in 'Stripes', Larry David, Stay Puft Marshmallow Man... WHO ELSE?
Yule Brener, Jesse Ventura & Mac in 'Predator', Brando in 'Apocalypse Now', Funky Vamps in 'Blade II', THX 1138, The Commish/The Shield, Beta Ray Bill, Dr. Mindbender, Gung Ho, Roadblock, Martian Manhunter, Buttheads in Star Trek episode 'The Cage', Dr Zoidberg, R2-D2, Daleks, Freddy Krueger, John Candy in 'Stripes', Larry David, Stay Puft Marshmallow Man... WHO ELSE?
Disqualified For Having some hair, even if shaved:
80s Kurgan, Picard, Homer Simpson, Charlie Brown, Young Frankenstein's Monster, Dungeon Master in 'D&D Cartoon', Ripley in 'Alien3', Natalie Portman in 'V For Vendetta',Jesse Custer's Grandma in 'Preacher, Yoda, GIJane, Luke Cage, Bruce Willis, Eve Salvail....
80s Kurgan, Picard, Homer Simpson, Charlie Brown, Young Frankenstein's Monster, Dungeon Master in 'D&D Cartoon', Ripley in 'Alien3', Natalie Portman in 'V For Vendetta',Jesse Custer's Grandma in 'Preacher, Yoda, GIJane, Luke Cage, Bruce Willis, Eve Salvail....
What about that one guy from the 50s....my friend's brotherinlaw used to wear the latex 'Bones' mask around back in the 70s-80s????
Big crack in the head thing?
The Thing from Fantastic Four and Pac-Man
Oh, and Tor Johnson!
What about the ayatullah of rock-and-rollah, Lord Humungus?
Lord Humongous! He completely slipped my mind when compiling this list!
Unfortunately, he did have SOME hair on his head, so he wouldn't be allowed on THIS post.... so many disqualified characters... perhaps I should do another post: TOP ## SEMI-BALD CHARACTERS!
Oh yeah.. forgot those few strands blowin' in the breeze..
They add to the creepy-scary factor!
What about the Alien from Alien ?
Asajj ventress :)
that sexy grey skinned warrior
was going to say Modok but then rememberd he has hair
(kurt angle ?)
Balsac (gwar)
shame we couldnt include kurgan
bullseye (movie)
Avatar Ang - live air bender film :)
(jim i know they got flames on their heads but what about ghostrider or vengeance ?)
darkside / apocalypse
and finally mum-ra ^__^
The Thing - thought about that, but my mind kept wondering to the stupid movie version which left a bad taste in my mouth. :)
Pac Man - ha!
Tor Johnson!!!!!
In regards to the Alien... that would imply the Alien is lacking hair. I don't think hair even factors into it... like say a tooth does not lack hair. And don't even bring up the Predalien's dreadlocks. You know the rules. :)
Bullseye movie? I do not know of which you speak.
Avatar Ang - Nice! But I try to shy away from Anime as it just opens up a giant door to a whole other genre dimension!
Ghost Rider - Thought about him, but in the end he's a skull and not really "bald". It makes sense in my mind.
Darkseid - hmmm, has anyone seen him without his... cowl-thingie on? Maybe he has a mohawk under there?!
Apocalypse - sweet, good one!
I didn't comment on all them - but great suggestions all around! Keep em coming!
Mr. Strickland (Back to the Future.), Jabba the Hutt (Star Wars), ET (ET the Extra Terrestrial), Mac (Mac and Me), Nosferatu (Nosferatu), All four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Toxie (The Toxic Avenger), V (without mask and wig, V for Vendetta, Leech (X-Men the Last Stand), Joe Dirt (minus wig, Joe Dirt)
Ziggy, Jared Svenning (Mallrats)
Captain Cold (Flash comics), Killer Croc (Batman comic), the Goombas (Mario Bros. the movie), The Duke of New York (Escape from New York), "Mean Machine" Angel (Judge Dredd), Blofeld (James Bond), The Mask (Jim Carrey movie), Martian Manhunter (Justice League), Ok thats all from me.
Oops, nevermind on Martian Manhunter. How about... Marcellus Wallace from Pulp Fiction?
Zordon (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Dhalsim (Street Fighter), Jeremy Reed (the movie Powder), Michael Jordan, Pluto (The Hills Have Eyes), Fester (The Addams Family)
Uncle Fester, Dragos from Jason of Star Command, First stage Guild Navigator's from Dune, which is bizarre as my Word Verification below is Folds, as in Folds Space !!
The Borg !!!
Upon closer examination, it would appear that Panthro has a thin layer of fur on his whole body...including his head.
Does he? (Panthro)...
maybe his head is bald...
or maybe he's one of those hair-less cats!! :)
Bunsen Honeydew from the Muppet Show
Tor Johnson! That's the guy....my friends used to call him Bones....creepy seein him driving around Mongomery Village in 1979 I bet!NOERB
damn , i was going to include
gul Dukat or odo
killer croc ? / batman the animated series -1990's version-/
Watchman guy - Mr Magnificent? Dr.something? Maybe someone already said it.
Dr. Manhattan from "Watchmen." Also, Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter, Woody Harrelson in "Natural Born Killers," and "The Hood" from the "Thunderbirds" series. There is also the character "Den," which was featured in the animated movie "Heavy Metal."
The Strangers (Mr. Hand, Mr. Book, Mr. Quick, et al) from the 1998 sci fi flick "Dark City." And Kryton from "Red Dwarf." Davros (and perhaps the Ood)from Doctor Who.
How can we forget Elmer Fudd???
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