Friday, April 28, 2006
TOP 12 SITCOMS - by Melchy
11 - PERFECT STRNGERS: just becuase of the way Bbalki said Larry App-lay-tun, and the Meposian dance of joy
10- LAVERNE & SHIRLEY: because of Lenny and Squiggy
09 - THREE'S COMPANY: cause its funny when Jack trips over the couch
08 - WHO'S THE BOSS: TONY DANZA. need i say more?
07 - COSBY: (early stuff before it got too preachy) plain and simple funny stuff
06 - DIFF'RNT STROKES: whatchoo talkin bout...and its so cheesy its awesome, has the bonus of a great theme song
05 - FACTS OF LIFE: Mrs. Garretyt rules....and the rare case where the spinoff is better than the original show
04 - CHEERS: usually solidly funny.....although I liked Coach better and Diane better
03 - EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND: becuase so many of the situations are dead-on and Marie acts a lot like my mom makes it even funnier/scarier
02 - SEINFELD: because Poppy peed on the couch
01 - FAMILY TIES: every member of the cast was genuinely funny and they actually felt like a real family
These Honorable Mentions apply becasue those shows were only shown on the weekends or weekday afternoons.....they could not have survived primetime viewing.....

Thanks, Melchy! Being the Ultimate 80s Sitcom Guru that you are, I find your list very interesting and funny. However, where's ALF? Married With Children? Andy Griffith?!!!!

Years later, Conan is a MAN. Raging Thurst for Revenge flows through his veins, pumps through his warrior heart. He goes after Thulsa Doom with the taste of blood already in his mouth, the Devil himself in his eyes. Bah! Fool! You do not know what power is.

But Conan has friends, a rare thing in this world I tell you, and is rescued from Death's cold grip. Once again, he goes to Thulsa Doom with the power of Crom in his flesh and steel. Upon entering Thulsa Doom's lair, inside the bowels of the

or you shall drown in lakes of blood!!

Click here to watch the trailer!
"You pushed me away..."
"I wasn't pushing you away.... I was pulling me toward myself."
Rent the TV show if you haven't seen before!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

It really upsets me that Looney Tunes are no longer being played on saturday mornings. An entire generation of kids growing up without them is a travesty on our Society and Future. Those cartoons being put in front of children should be a freaking Federal Law. I've been Netflixing the old series lately and loving every single minute ot them!!! Truly brilliant stuff that are ESSENTIAL to the Mind and Soul. So today I went to add the 3rd Series and took the time to read the "about" snippet on the site. My vision went RED with furious anger as I read the last line of the description: "The compilation is intended for adults and may not be appropriate for children."
What kind of a world do we live in where LOONEY TUNES is not appropriate for children? Hey, I'm no "Ban Political Correctness" flag waver, but give me a break!!! This has gone TOO far and I am ashamed that I am apart of the generation of adults that would slap this ridiculous label on my beloved Looney Tunes. Fucking Bullshit. JIMSMASH!!!!
To the children and even young adults who have gone through life without knowing and loving Looney Tunes, on behalf of my generation, I sincerely apologize to you. The torch was passed to us from generations before and we dropped the ball and allowed it to go away.
*Apologies for all the cursing, but GODDAMN!!

Didja know, Maker actually modeled the 3D model during previz? Go Maker, Go!

Yes,..MING! There is him,.. and then there is everyone else. As a matter of fact,.. there's just him. Don't worry about anyone else, or your likely to find yourself living in exile on the ice planet Friggia for commiting such a blatant offense.
When Ming is to busy blasting Kingdoms to atoms, quelling feuds between the Hawk-People and the Arborians, putting enemies of the state to death, or just amusing himself with a small planet in the SK system, he relies on the head of his secret police, Klytus, to weed out traitors and insurgents (frequently employing devoted brainwashed, errr....I mean patriotic minions as spys).

"HAIL MING !!! ...HAIL!!!!!!"
"HAIL MING !!! ...HAIL!!!!!!"
I can't stand watching foreign films with English Dub.
Can't stand it!!!! The filmmaker's intent and vision is completely lost for one. Plus, the voice actors are usually sub-par and don't seem to be emulating what their screen characters are supposed to be feeling and behaving. At best, the dubbed version comes across as comical like an old Godzilla movie. So whenever I rent a foreign film, I ALWAYS watch in its original language with English SUBTITLES. The film is always leagues better. In fact, I sometimes find having subtitles in any movie often times aides the film as you can focus more on the writing and less on the actor's delivery, which in American films, is sometimes pretty crappy (Thank you again Hollywood for continually diminishing film standards).
With that said, please hear me out with this one....

I have to say, the movie became something else. Instead of the abomination I saw in the theater, I now was watching another French Jeunet movie! Now, I don't speak French, so perhaps the audio dub actors suck, but to my ignorant American ears, they were wonderful! While every single actor before annoyed me, now the characters were interesting and likable (yes, even Wynona Ryder)! The movie is now yanked out of cheezie Hollywood flopland and instead resides within a great Jeunet french film of freakiness and creepy atmosphere. Also, with the bad performances no longer in your face and blocking the enjoyment of the movie, you now have a clear vision of the IDEAS of the story; genetic manipulation of both species and unintentional cross-breeding.
The movie still has a few bumps, but they pass quickly. So seriously, give the movie another viewing one night with the French audio track activated - do it for Jimmy. I think you'll enjoy the movie...atleast

Also, here are a few angles to watch from to enjoy and geek:
-The cinematography, as with all Jeunet films, is mouth-watering gorgeous!
-Think of the film as a 100% French made film; this is their take on the Alien Saga.
-Pretend it came out in the mid-70s; heavily influenced by Heavy Metal magazine and European comics of the time.
-The Set Design is really cool; the interior of the ship is like one big metal Alien Hive!


"A thousand years in the past, a young Viking boy is accidentally left behind during a skirmish between the Vikings and Native Americans. The Native Americans raise the boy as their own, but when their village is wiped out from a Viking raid, the adopted Viking becomes his people's savior in battling the Norsemen."


Oh man, I hope so! I also hope its fucking afforadable! What the hell is up with all the recent ALIENS items these past few years being $500-$1000?!! Jesus.
I mean, I'm a HUGE fanaticaly obsessed ALIENS fan, but give me a break. Or atleast give me a wad of cash to buy all this cool stuff, cause the Mrs isn't too keen on spending our Savings on ALIEN stuff. *eye roll*
I love you, baby! :)



The people of the Twelve Colonies are at peace and living in a society not unlike our own, but where high-technology has changed the lives of virtually everyone for the better. But a startling breakthrough in robotics is about to occur, one that will bring to life the age-old dream of marrying artificial intelligence with a mechanical body to create the first living robot: a Cylon. Following the lives of two families, the Graystones and the Adamas (the family of William Adama, who will one day become the commander of the Battlestar Galactica), Caprica will weave together corporate intrigue, techno-action and sexual politics into television's first science fiction family saga.Man, I REALLY hope they take this opportunity to use the old skool Cylons!!!!! No word yet on when it will air, etc.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

...... er, but is often thwarted by kids & an annoying baby unicorn.
*Peter Cullen was also the voice of Optimus Prime, Iron Hide, Eeyore, and KARR (Knight Rider) to name a few. More about him here.
**Some bullshit info I do not acknowledge: It is revealed by inept unoriginal writer, er I mean by Dungeon Master, that Venger was not always evil and that Venger is Dungeon Master's son! The poop keeps on oozing with the other revelation that there is a hidden sister too, called Karina, who Venger imprisoned. Like I said,
I do not acknowledge that shite....NOR SHOULD YOU!!!

Fantagraphics has been releasing The Complete Peanuts in these really neat formatted hardcover books. I haven't had a chance to pick up these cool books yet, but have flipped through them numerous times in the store and let me tell you they kick ass!!!! It's really fun to see his early drawing style and see it slowly transform into the version most of us know and love.


I HIGHLY recommended these Alex Ross books you should go buy immediately, perhaps email Lisa and see if her store, Neptune Comics, has them or can get them (Support Comic Shops!!):
KINGDOM COME: Possible dark future of DC; Brilliant stuff, quite possible the best comic ever!
THE WORLD'S GREATEST SUPERHEROES: A collection of oversized comics by Ross, each chapter spotlighting one of DC's classic heroes; Supeman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Shazam, etc.
MARVELS: A look at the early days of Marvel through a reporter's camera/eye
MYTHOLOGY: A collection of drawings and paintings by Ross of DC characters; gorgeous!
TERMINATOR: BURNING EARTH: Before T2 was even an idea, this painted book came out that takes place in the future showing the final battle between John Connor and Skynet.



Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Now he's happy-pappy.

Valkris: You may find it useful.
Kruge: have seen it?
Valkris: I have , my lord
Kruge: .....Unfortunate.
Valkris: Understood...

Valkris had been chosen by her family to lead the house after her older brother Kiosan had damaged the line's reputation. Her honorable death was the

Also, I always thought she would have made a terrific EVIL-LYN in a He-Man movie.

-Hollywood has a pretty strong record of fucking these things up
-Michael Bay? Uggghhhh.
-Just don't think they can pull it off. Peter Jackson, maybe....
Anyway, here are the news snippets. Despite my pessimism, these sound good for the most part:
1) They ARE auditioning the ORIGINAL voice actors for The Transformers!!!! That's not to say they WILL be cast. Bay wants to make sure their voices haven't aged too much. Cast them, DAMNIT!!!!
2) We do indeed see Cybertron!
3) There is an Optimus Prime and Megatron Fight in downtown Los Angeles!!!!!
4) Scorponok is in the movie. er, who?
5) The characters are being slightly re-designed so they won't be as "blocky". Hmmmm. Stick with the orig, people. Robots are supposed to be blocky, ya boneheads!
6) The Movie starts in Antartica with a man finding something strange in the ice. God I hope its not the AVP hidden pyramid. (yes, I'm still bitter, damnit!!!)
7) Action - "From the animatics, the action seemed to be huge and what you'd want from a movie like this. Of course, Bay's fingerprints are all over them, even at this early stage of planning. I saw fights between fully transformed Autobots and Decepticons that had them plucking lamp posts out of the ground and smashing the other with the blocky concrete end, I saw them jumping all over each other, only to be shot back by an arm cannon, I saw mid-air transformations from a Jet into a robot as it collides a standing robot in downtown LA"
8) Movie starts shooting NEXT MONTH
9) Teaser trailer comes to us July 4th
10) Optimus will still indeed be a Mac truck. Man, he better be the same fucking Make & Model
*thanks, Aint-It-Cool-News!

The new album, "10,000 DAYS", is scheduled for a May 2nd release.
Fuk yeh I'm there!

Oh yeah, this Spidey set is freaking $500.
Are you kidding me???
Click here for the character listing.