It goes on preorder 2/2/12 for $250.
I kinda of want one and would gladly accept one as a gift
(birthday is June 9th - Group Gift!)
and I already have this Aliens Warrior statue that rocks so hard:

Plus there's that 26" tall WARRIOR statue I need:

Lawmakers from the leftist Palikot's Movement cover their faces with masks as they protest against ACTA, or the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, during a parliament session, in Warsaw, Poland, on January 26, 2012, after the Polish government signed the agreement. Poland's plans to sign ACTA sparked attacks on Polish government websites and street protests in several Polish cities this week. (source)
In the early 1970s, the comic book version of Daredevil was living in San Francisco with his lady friend, superspy and superheroine Black Widow. Somewhere along the way, Angela Bowie—then-wife of David Bowie (and mother to Moon and Source Code director Duncan Jones)—decided she wanted to make this pairing into a TV series and co-star as Black Widow.Damnit, I kind of wish they had made it....
Bowie went to Stan "The Man" Lee with her ideas, and he actually agreed to let her move forward. She shot some conceptual photos with herself and actor Ben Carruthers in full costume, but the show never went further than that. Here's Bowie's own account as posted on the Daredevil fan site Man Without Fear:
"I received permission from Stan Lee to have the rights to Daredevil and Black Widow for a year. We were unable to place the series. Actor, writer, Benny Carruthers and I did the photo shoot with TerryO'Neill and Natasha Kornilkoff costume designer and Barbara Daly - make-up in London and that was all that ever happened. Unfortunately at that time it was considered too difficult and expensive to film, special effects etc."
Awhile back a friend of mine forwarded me a site (http://hartter.blogspot.com/2009/11/misc.html) where artist Sean Hartter made posters of films that, title wise, we were familiar with, but there was a slight difference; they were remade as if they belonged to a different era or a different genre, the name of the movie was there, but the actors were different, the style was different, and I loved the concept. So I went forward with this theme; what if movies we were all familiar with were made in a different slice of time? Who would be in it? Who would direct it? So here we are...MORE HERE
Rest in Peace, Good Sir!The world lost a key contributor to the Star Wars saga last week in sword master Bob Anderson, who coordinated the lightsaber duels of Episode IV: A New Hope, and even donned Darth Vader’s armor for the high-intensity dueling with Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
The man who established how “an elegant weapon for a more civilized age” should be wielded in the Star Wars universe passed away on January 1 in West Sussex, England. He was 89.
“Bob Anderson was essential in defining what a lightsaber duel would look like,” says George Lucas. “He was the Jedi Master of the original trilogy, training the actors to duel with a new kind of weapon. In Empire and Jedi, Bob donned Darth Vader’s cape and helmet to battle Luke Skywalker in all of the amazing lightsaber battles. It was pure movie magic that Bob became Vader.”
"In late 2010 I decided to combine my two geek loves, LEGO and Star Trek. There is not a lot of good Star Trek MOCs on the net, there's some really cool micro-scale stuff but not much in the large category. I realised quickly that it would be impossible to contruct a large scale USS Enterprise using pure LEGO, so I had to look for another ship. The USS Reliant from Wrath of Khan is much more compact and less spindly, so it seemed a suitable candidate. Many bricklink orders and bricks later (and over a year of prototyping and building) here she is! I have not counted the pieces (my sanity is grateful!) but I would estimate somewhere in the 10-15k range."