Friday, February 29, 2008
The Iron Man and action stuff looks great. However, I'm not loving Downey's take on Stark. I think it will work for the movie, but as a fan, its just not the Tony Stark I've always seen in the comic. Regardless, I'm getting excited for this movie. Thoughts?
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Initially, I was just going to get Snake-Eyes (w/Timber) and Hooded Cobra Commander. Those are the two essential figures, for me. Being the fan of COBRA, I'm skipping most of the Joes. But like pringles, once you start, you can't stop! I am not addicted to these things. I still have some self-control, so please don't think I'm buying all of them. But come on, you gotsta have DESTRO.... STORM SHADOW.... FIREFLY.... COBRA COMMANDER, COBRA OFFICER and CRIMSON GUARD!! Right? Yes.
Pics posted are of what figures are available thus far (atleast, those figures I could find online shown with their card). Future Anniv figs will include COBRA VIPER, H.I.S.S. DRIVER, MAJOR BLUDD, BARONESS and even TOMAX & XAMOT!! ....and more!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A Divine Proclamation to End the Present Existance"
performed by the band 'Last Days of Humanity'.
Clip by Haywire

So apparently Upper Deck Entertainment had fantasy artist Todd Lockwood paint a bitchin pic of Stephen Colbert decked out in Truthiness Armor for their World of Warcraft trading card game. But then Colbert's poopie Reps stopped it from happening. Boooo. But thankfully, someone leaked the image on the internet.... and you'll be able to buy prints from Lockwood at various nerd conventions!
*thanks, Jason Clone

*thanks, Jason Clone
Tuesday, February 26, 2008




I never liked him on both the X-Men and Avengers... he's overused as is.... plus it never felt right him being an Avenger. In his solo title, his mutant powers have been vamped to the point of absurdity. In one issue, he was incinerated down to a skeleton and jumped back into action, fully healed, within a couple minutes (or was it less?). Before, it would take him a day or so to fully recover from gunshot wounds. Now he's invincible. Fuck it... let's clean house while we're at it... "Wolverine Origins" is false memory implants from unimaginative Skrull scientists.

*Death of Elektra: In 1981, Elektra creator Frank Miller killed her off at the hands of Bullseye. Marvel had originally promised Miller to not resurrect the character without Miller's permission. But resurrected her anyway in the 1990s. To this day, Miller refuses to work for Marvel and does not acknowledge the "Elektra" running around in Marvel books post-death. If Marvel explains she's been a Skrull since DD#181 and the real Elektra is indeed still dead, it could prove to be a wise business decision to bring Miller back to Marvel. *shrug*. Any resurrected dead character should be revealed as Skrulls, in my opinion.
Monday, February 25, 2008

Well its come to my attention that there's even more swiping from Maleev in the preview pages provided by Marvel. In the same panel as the Echo/Rainmaker, the Daredevil figure is another swipe from Maleev; from his Daredevil #43 cover, but mirrored. In addition, Mack uses the same Maleev Daredevil art for the Wolverine on another page.

---- Mack's first response was:
"About the reference to Adam Hughes.... When preparing for the look of this book, I wanted to really embrace the comic book look of things while keeping things looking realistic as well, and I'm a big fan of Adam's ability to do that and I was looking at a lot of his work, among others, as a kind of training wheels in considering styles, and getting started on this issue.......This was one of the first pages that I drew in this issue, getting into the vibe for the series and you may be right that I referenced it too heavily. Sometimes when you are getting rolling on a project it takes a few pages to work the influences out of your system. So props to Adam, you have to give credit where credit is due, and I hope this will be viewed as more of an homage and not be distracting to you in the context of the rest of the story."
Mack's response to the Maleev swipe:
"When I was doing the second Echo story in between the Bendis/Maleev run, I tried to make it look like the Maleev DD to fit into the continuity.In this story the images of DD has Iconic DD looks from Iconic DD artists for reasons based in this particular story. I'll comment more on it when the issue is out, so as not to spoils."
I'll give Mack the benefit of the doubt on this one and wait for the issue to come out. But a flag does go up for me....if the whole issue is using previous artists' work, then why not say so initially? Mack's response went from saying he may have "referenced too heavily" to its all part of the story and completely intentional, using "iconic DD looks" from "iconic DD artists". Seems like back-peddling damage control to me. Especially since he swiped the Maleev Daredevil art for the Wolverine image.
One last thought.... if the plan was always to use those iconic images, I hope in the same issue Mack acknowledges those artists he's "referencing", giving credit where it's due. The artwork does not stand out from his own enough for most readers to see the "homage".
I also wonder if Marvel paid him his normal page rate, even though much of the art is not his, but from previous work Marvlel had already paid for.
and just to be an Ass, here's Mack's page next to an altered page using the original material:

* more Greg Land ripoffs
* Renato Arlem loves John Buscema
* David Mack loves tracing paper

I've mentioned her before, here on JimSmash, but for those who are not familiar with her... she's the leader of the all-female squad of Autobot Resistant fighters on Cybertron AND Optimus Prime's one true love!
In fact, they knew each other before the Great War! Back when Prime was merely the young dock worker ORION PAX and Alita-One was his girlfriend ARIEL.

The thing I never understood was why Prime hooked up with Alita-One, when she had such a fine lookin' lieutenant named CHROMIA - she's a fox! Unfortunately, she and Iron Hide had a thing together. Whatever, Iron Chump!
Anyway, back to point the subject of ALITA-ONE...
Anyway, back to point the subject of ALITA-ONE...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
This week seems to be themed with comic artists ripping off other artists and sources (link & link). Here are some more fina examples of GREG LAND using celebrity photos and stills from movies for his work. Using reference is one thing, but this guy seems to have built a career on copying and tracing from OTHER people's hard work, whether it be cinematic filming, drawing, painting, or photography. Atleast use your OWN photography, man.
ANIMATED GIFS: (if not animating, click on pics )
[B&W Spidey is by Travis Charest]
(thanks, Irish Paulie!)
and from Previous JimSmash Posts:
[Land copying himself; his Jean Grey & Black Canary]
[Land's Dracula, copying Caldwell's "Strahd Von Zarovich"]
[Land's Santana, copying Playboy's Pam Anderson cover]

(thanks, Irish Paulie!)
and from Previous JimSmash Posts:

and thanks, Lisa, for the Santana/PamAndeson (from months back)
Friday, February 22, 2008
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