Robin Hood = Green Arrow
Sheriff Nottingham = Lex Luthor
"Cancel Christmas!"
Sherwood Forest = Ewok Village
Come on Marvel......
Not that DC is bursting with original ideas, either. They have an entire section of their Universe made up of teenage counterparts of just about every single DC hero; the current TEEN TITANS being the worst.
Over the past year or so, there's been a common theme running through BOTH Marvel and DC; OFFSPRING of popular main characters. In just the past 12 months, we now have BATMAN's son (Damian), WOLVERINE'S son (Daken), HULK's son (Skaar) and SUPERMAN's "son" (Christopher.... really Zod/Ursa's son)....
...not to mention the characters in YOUNG AVENGERS and RUNAWAYS, whose cast includes the children of heroes and villains. (Honestly, I'm shocked they weren't the sexy teenage DAUGHTERS of those characters).
Has it come to this?
Are Today's [employed] writers truly out of original ideas?
* KAL-EL (Superman The Movie)
* 2001: SPACE ODYSSEY Baby
* ELORA DANAN (Willow) - "Wiiiil-il-illl-ooo-www...."
* MEARTH: Son of Mork! (Jonathan Winters on Mork & Mindy)
* CONAN (from "Conan: Born on the Battlefield" comic)
* CHESTBURSTER (Alien) - Are you surprised?
* ROSEMARY'S BABY - "What did you do to his eyes?!!"
* EWOK BABY (Return of the Jedi) - Regardless of Ewok hatred, you have to admit they are cute.
* TOBY (Labyrinth) - "You remind me of the babe What babe? The babe with the power.What power? Power of voodoo.Who do? You do.Do what? Remind me of the babe!"
* CUB (Lone Wolf & Cub) - Beware, he will pee on your head
* VISITOR LIZARD BABY (V mini-series)
* LUKE & LEIA (Revenge Of The Sith) - just for you, Andrew ;)
* ALIEN MAGGIE SIMPSONS (Treehouse of Horror)
* JEN & KIRA GELFLINGS (Dark Crystal) - Dreamfasting montage
* STRIPE MOGWAI (Gremlins) - Lord of the Loogie
* ZAMMIS (Enemy Mine) - "Zammis have four five."
* MINILLA, SON of GODZILLA - Godzookie!!!
* MILO, aka CAESAR (Escape From Planet of the Apes)
* HARRY POTTER - the boy who lived
* BABY HELLBOY - likes Baby Ruth
* LARVAE BABY, SON OF BRUNDLE-FLY (The Fly) - nightmare sequence
* "HARDCORE INTERNET BABY" - seen in numerous photoshop contests!