updated: DRAGON
(Secret of NIMH)
updated: MONKEY MAN
(Raiders of the Lost Ark)
*thanks, Tiger!
updated: NUMBER TWO
(Secret of NIMH)

(Raiders of the Lost Ark)
*thanks, Tiger!


(True Lies)


(Harry Potter)

(Thriller: They Call Her One-Eye)




(Star Trek VI)

(True Grit)

(Tales of the Gold Monkey)

(DC Comics)

(Days of Our Lives)
*special addition for those who know who they are!

(Age of Apocalypse)

(The Sailor Man)

(Battlestar Galactica)

aka "Mountain Snake"
(Kill Bill)

(When he cut out his organic eye!)

(Dark Crystal)


(Flight of the Conchords)
"Wear the eyepatch, Bret. Wear the funky, funky eyepatch."

(Werewolf, the TV series)

(Escape from New York)




*listed as #1 due to sharing namesake with Post.
Also represents all one-eyed pirates
(and don't say your penis - too easy)
*thanks for the assist, Maker!
Sir Didymus was from Labrynth, not Willow ;) <- (there's a one eye for ya!)
ah yes. sorry, I have Willow on me brain for another post. Thanks for the catch!
Number Two - "Austin Powers"
Emilio Largo - J.Bond "Thunderball"
Monkey Man - Indiana Jones "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
*Alpha Centauri, green hermaphrodite hexapod with one huge eye, Doctor Who character first seen in "The Curse of Peladon"[2]
*Basilisk, large one-eyed mutant in Marvel Comics' New X-Men
*B.O.B. (Bicarbonate Ostylezene Benzoate), gelatinous creature in Monsters vs. Aliens
*Dalek Sec, monster that became a one-eyed Dalek-human hybrid in Doctor Who. Daleks always had a single eye-stalk; when the creature inside was shown, it generally appeared to have only one eye.
*The ghost Pokémon Duskull, Dusclops and Dusknoir
K*erack, alien race resembling large one-eyed prawns in novel Camelot 30K
*Purple People Eater in the 1958 novelty song of the same name
*Zargon, a giant one-eyed monster in the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons
I'm so disappointed with myself...
I mentioned Alpha Centauri for the Top Cyclops list. Totally forgot about Sec.
If an eye-patch is the pre-req for this list... from Doctor Who.
Brigade Leader - Inferno.
Captain - The Pirate Planet.
Jesse Custer, from Preacher.
Damnit, I had thought of Number Two (Austin Powers) at one point but then totally forgot about it. Bah!
And I'm upset with myself for forgetting Jesse Custer. Awesome!
Thanks for the other ones, too, everyone!
Slick Rick!
Totally forgot about Kano from Mortal Kombat
Travis from Blake's 7
Chief Nellie from Flesh Gordon
Scars from The Quick and the Dead
Dragos from Jason of Star Command
Sagat from Street Fighter, Clarence Worley from True Romance, Elle Driver (The Nurse) from Kill Bill.
Deacon from Waterworld
I was going to say Number Two, but Tiger beat me to it.
Oh, and Elle from Kill Bill is already on the list :)
Shane MacGowan of the The Pogues:
What about Charles Dance's character "Benedict" from "Last Action Hero"?
Deacon from Water World was intentionally excluded from the list. ;) hehe
You forgot Callisto of the Morlocks! And Nazi Tom Cruise!
Callisto of the Morlocks (NICE!!)
Nazi Tom Cruise (Intentionally excluded) ;)
Ragetti from Pirates of the Caribbean, Typho from Star Wars (new trilogy), Danger Mouse from Danger Mouse, Frank from Donnie Darko, Belini from Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Seamus from Family Guy, Matt Groening from Simpsons 500th episode.
Big Boss from Metal Gear.
Bazooka Joe, Danger Mouse
General Woundwart...YES!
General Woundwort makes me piss my pants!
cool list
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