Well, we have a
director & producer lined up for the unnecessary
Justin Lin (d) and
Neal Moritz (p), of the last 2 "
The Fast & The Furious" insallments (ugh).
Last year (
here) I did a post exclaiming that if I
MUST accept an unnecessary Highlander Remake, then they should cast
THOMAS JANE as Connor MacCleod.

And fuk it, just bring back

* But they'll probably go with a pro wrestler or Vinnie Jones or something. And I swear to god, I better not hear a cover to Queen's soundtrack songs, especially by one of the lame-o "today's hot" bands. Die.
CLANCY YES! THOMAS JANE YES! Highlander remake...why?
Because those running Hollywood are incapable of new, original ideas OR hiring those who have them. Plus, they hate you.
I'd like to apologize for this in advance...
"There can be only one."
Again, I am sorry.
well atleast it cant be WORSE THAN
GI joe -2009-
where baroness is Cobra commander's sister and CC is originally a JOE
NOT TO MENTION flatchested and FYI i walked out of the movie when this was revealed
*2o minutes into the feature*
and actually got my money back
Despite ALL the many many many many wrong things with Joe, I found it fun. You just have check your anger at the door is all...and constantly use your imagination...."They're not related.... he's wearing the Cobra Commander outfit and helmet.... she has a sexy accent... they're not related... they don't have a shared past...."
um bud , i dont know how to tell u this but i actually gave the film the benifit of the doubt . everything i could tolerate in the film
until you see CHANNING / SIENNA
/ that kid from third rock in uniform and its revealed that they knew eachother back in the day
( again this scene takes place 15-19 minutes in ) just before Third rock-kid goes into the building thats gana be destroyed .
if u remember , at the end of the film CHANNING tells CC that she was your sister ! ! ! how could u do that to her =a friend told me about this scene and i had to DL a copy =
side note : how bout doing a casting couch for THUNDARR , the HERCULOIDS and
( both with the classic view we grew up with and the PC version that is ruining our childhood , by ASSHOLES re-imagening it , even putting an ORIGIN STORY *cough*Scooby*cough* )
What, you didn't like that he tells her not only is her brother ALIVE but he's THE DOCTOR... and she doesn't bat an eye, just "Let's go get those guys!!!"
(yes, it atrocious)
me like how movie am EXPLOSIONS XD
where the hell was MINDBENDERS trademark 70s pornstar mustache XD
(am i alone in this or didnt CC remind u of a Soggy from captain crunch or Klunk from the bionic 6 )
totally on you with this one , a highlander remake *whatever H'wood is calling these re-imaginings* it aint a highlander with out Clancy and that Evil growl he uses in it
(capcha word : trial) XD
I still want this:
I totally agree with you on every point.
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