Here are some [semi] cool Alien pics from ALIEN3. Yes, there are actually some [semi] COOL pics of the alien from that movie.... ok, some of these are from Production and unused shots.
And a little story for any who care:
I'm 15 yrs old and walking out of some movie. I glance up at the wall and just about shit my pants in pure bliss. There before me, is an an image of a chestburster with "ALIEN 3" underneath of it - the first I've even heard of a sequel to my favorite movie of all time (remember, this is YEARS before the Internet).
"OhMyGod! OhMyGod!!"
[I look again...]
"1992?!!! ARGH!!!"
[I look again...]
"Wait, is that.... is that a QUEEN chestburster?!
NO WAY!!!"
And then the first Teaser Trailer hit:
"Wait... is that... is that fucking EARTH?!! Oh my god... they're going to adapt the Dark Horse comic. YES!!!"
The rest is a blur to be honest. And so began the looooong wait for ALIEN3 to hit theaters. I psychotically combed all possible publications to find any news. Cinemantographics, Starlog, Fangoria, you name it - they were my friends. Slowly I'd find snippets of the upcoming movie - usually horror stories of production, and ideas like "a HEADburster!!" I kept my faith alive, tho, and prayed to the Alien Queen for a good sequel. The best was when a few pics of the Alien were released.
A company was selling 3 Lobby Cards in waaay advance and that was when I realized they were bringing back the funky clear dome on the head like Giger's origin (Coooool). I bought em and put em up on my wall, with my other Alien posters and images I had acquired; my Alien Shrine, the earliest days.
[ I can't find online the 3rd Lobby Card image ]
Alien3 Poster, showing off the Alien suit:
(purchased at Sam Goody at the Mall)
Then there was the fateful day where the trailer played for the first time!
Holy shit, it looked UNBELIEVABLY GOOD!! I was freaking out in my seat!! The shot of the Alien face to face with Ripley (with shaved head!), slowly extending its tongue out to her, her frozen in terror.... Jesus Christ, that was one of the most intense, coolest moments of my life!!
Of course, we all know how this story ends. I go see it opening night, get there early to ensure the perfect seat (which I got). And then hold back the tears of disappointment from about the 45second mark all the way until the end. My first TRUE betrayal by Hollywood. Ouch. Visually, it was cool, but there was sooooo much going on wrong. For one, the Alien itself looked weird; no back tubes and spike?!!!! And it was either clearly a short guy in a suit or an oddly shaped and animated puppet.... poorly composited too (Alien3 was actually the last OPTICAL composite movie before the DIGITAL age arrived the next year. Damnit!). Plus it had the characteristics of its host, a dog? I'm a firm hater of this idea. It opens the door to waaay too many lame possibilities, like "Gorilla Alien", "Snake Alien" or "Cow Alien". Don't believe me? Check out Kenner's lame ALIENS line of toys in the early 90s.
So yeah, the movie blew - although its grown on me since, standing on its own to the side. The Extended Cut recently released is also much better, and you can enjoy the movie soley for the gorgeous cinematography, set design and film score. You must view it as a movie completely removed from the previous two movies. Many fans have collectively agreed to view it as a "Hypersleep Nightmare."
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