I vaguely remember it, but I do remember not liking it at the time, primarily because it wasn't action packed and was very disturbing for my 15 year old brain.... yet it stuck with me throughout the years (now nearly 20years later). From what I remember, it was a low-budget, cyberpunk, dystopian movie that was scary, boring, creepy, interesting, & disturbing.
I can slightly recall what-was-what: In a war torn wasteland, hero-dude with cybernetic hand (Dylan McDermott) scavenges around some scrap and finds a cool looking beat up old robot head that looks like a skull. He takes it along with him to his girlfriend's apartment and gives it to her for her found-object sculptures. She paints the American flag on it and sets it aside and they go take a shower that's uncomfortable to watch for a couple reasons. They have weird neighbors. The robot head is actually an old military robot killing machine and reactivates. Killing and bloodshed ensue. I think it was like a low-budget mix of Terminator, Road Warrior, Warlock 5 (comic), Brazil, Alien & Blade Runner... oh, and it had a cool soundtrack.
It looks like HARDWARE is not available on dvd, which sucks because I really want to see it again. But if you're in the UK and/or have an all-region dvd player, you're in luck as its set to be released this month!.... supposedly.
Hey, I found the trailer!
I bought Hardware recently on DVD and is also available on Blue-Ray Hardware DVD Details
nice! thanks for the head's up, Andrew!
Jim, please refrain from using bad language in front of my child. Keep this blog PG-13, please. Earmuffs!
Loved Hardware...so...Jimsmash is potty mouth?
I saw Hardware when I was 13. At the theater with my brother. I remember it had tons of creepy sex in it. I also remember a wierd scene with a baby and its dead mom with coord still attached. Wha..?
Yup, this is one of my all time favorite B sci-fi movies. I pre-ordered the Blu-Ray release last week in fact. Funny you should be posting about this now. Richard Stanley is kinda in the realm of Albert Pyun and other similar directors, but I really like his work. Check out Dust Devil as well. I've been waiting YEARS for this to get an official DVD release. I have never seen it in wide-screen. I can't wait. The best part is the awesome soundtrack! PIL, Ministry, and the original score by Simon Boswell is amazingly good, imo. Did you know the "Zone Trooper" in the opening scene is actually Carl McCoy from Fields of the Nephilim? Pretty cool. And for you Star Wars nerds, this film also co-stars William Hootkins (Porkins). :)
"Rated R for cReepy. said...
I saw Hardware when I was 13. At the theater with my brother. I remember it had tons of creepy sex in it. I also remember a wierd scene with a baby and its dead mom with coord still attached. Wha..?"
I think you are thinking of something else...I don't know of any dead baby scenes or creepy sex scenes. There is a cyborg-hand-shower-sex-scene of sorts, but no dead babies or other weird sex scenes???
Oh, BTW:
Sorry for all the posts, Jim. This is just one of my favorites, and you posted about it at such a perfect time! Your blog RULZ. :)
Sweet! Thanks for all the info and shared memories! I'm really looking forward to seeing it again.
Hey Jim - the company Severin Entertainment is releasing Hardware very very soon in the US on DVD and possibly Blu Ray. Check out their site - www.severin-films.com
It's odd that I've been recalling this movie so much lately after such a long time (even before Anonymous was born!)... and here it is about to be released and on others' minds as well.
The Collective, baby!
haha hey just cuz i born a year later doesnt mean i wont watch it lol i'll take ur word! :) i mean after all i am a faihful and loyal JIMSMASSH DAILY READER! :)
the torch is passed, the gospel is spread.
Praise be JimSmash!
hehe HALLELUJAH!!! oh and are u going to put more comic related posts? its been a while... oh god i sound like a married man that doesnt get some any more lol
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