Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Here are some pics of the upcoming 3D Animated Star Wars Clone Wars series. I found them over at AICN where Harry mentions his small penis.
(I fear Togrutas are the new Twi'lek)
(oh good, they kept with the lame Obi 2-finger pose, sigh)


allen etter said...

Never could figure out that two finger deal...may be if he had poked Grivious in the eyes like a three stooges move...

Anonymous said...

no,'s bc some douchebags are WAY to fond of Kung Fu movies and feel the need to put it everything.

Anonymous said...

That's not kung fu. That's just stupid. You insult Kung Fu and Kung Fu movies by associating the two.

Anonymous said...

Why do the faces of the characters look like the puppets from Team America: World Police?

Anonymous said...

Some Kung Foo movies can be entertaining,...but they are WAAAYYYYyyyyyyy over rated. Not everyone thinks they are as cool as some believe.

Anonymous said...

why does EVERYONE fight like a ninja/samuria/(insert over done, over used martial arts here) ?????????

seriously, can we come up with something,...I don't know,..original,...different?????