Monday, October 16, 2006


Ugh, have you seen the latest exploitative ad from Chevy? Imagine if you will:

Singer John Mellencamp leans on the fender of a Chevy pickup, strumming an acoustic guitar. He sings, among other things, "This is our country." Meanwhile, a montage of American moments flies by: Rosa Parks on a bus. Martin Luther King preaching to a crowd. Soldiers in Vietnam. Richard Nixon waving from his helicopter. And then modern moments: New Orleans buried by Katrina floodwaters. The two towers of light commemorating 9/11. As a big, shiny pickup rolls through an open field of wheat and then slows to a carefully posed stop, the off-screen announcer says, "This is our country. This is our truck. The all-new Chevy Silverado."

Wow. Rosa Parks, MLK, Vietnam soldiers, 9/11....
selling a pickup truck. I'm a bit disappointed they didn't use Holocaust footage. Come on, Chevy! Do you want me to buy this truck or what?!
Click here to watch.

1 comment:

...j... said...

Agreed.....Its pretty sick what advertising... as well as... artist... as well as ...who ever, will stoop to in order to make a buck. My question to you is this......who buys this bullshit?....I mean really its sad to think that those images and memories would sway someone to buy a truck. That anyone!! would not see it for the disgusting exploitation it is. That commercial IS what’s wrong with this country! NO matter what the subject it all takes a back seat to MONEY! Oh and John Cougar Mellonhead can suck it!