What a joke this ad is......In the last few, I guess years, ad agencies are pumping out refuse.
Why you ask...well my theory is that they know if they lay a turd people won't forget it because it stinks to high heaven.....
Hardies embraced this theory when they started the lest see how disgusting we can make the act of feeding ones self....slobber,smack,slobber....that ad campaign pisses me off!!
yeah, that ad campaign is disgusting! The worst one so far is that stupid stupid shaking of the cow commercial. with the two chodes humping the sides of the cows?! And then it ending with what looks like a fresh cup of cow jizz, a chunky drip slidding down the side. Ugggghhhh, makes me gag just typing it!
Apparently, the person who came up with this ad never saw the movie Nothing To Lose.
disgusting. the part where the fudgems are being dumped onto the plate is like watching a horse unload.
What a joke this ad is......In the last few, I guess years, ad agencies are pumping out refuse.
Why you ask...well my theory is that they know if they lay a turd people won't forget it because it stinks to high heaven.....
Hardies embraced this theory when they started the lest see how disgusting we can make the act of feeding ones self....slobber,smack,slobber....that ad campaign pisses me off!!
yeah, that ad campaign is disgusting! The worst one so far is that stupid stupid shaking of the cow commercial. with the two chodes humping the sides of the cows?! And then it ending with what looks like a fresh cup of cow jizz, a chunky drip slidding down the side. Ugggghhhh, makes me gag just typing it!
This ad worked for me I got some of there great brownies and took a huge dumb when I was done. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
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