Thursday, July 06, 2006


Today's "Villain of the Day" is
(in honor of Futurama returning to TV)

Richard Nixon's head broke with head-in-a-jar convention and achieved mobility by having his jar mounted on the robotic body of Bender (who had sold his body for a large sum following a spike in titanium prices). He then ran for President of Earth in 3000, winning by a single vote (robots without a felony conviction, which excludes Bender, can vote and were widely impressed by Nixon's head's robotic "charisma"). Nixon's head returned Bender's body the night before the election, blackmailed by an audio recording Bender had made of Nixon's head ranting about the stupidity of voters and his intent, if elected, to "go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place" and to sell children's organs to zoos for meat. He managed to quickly secure a much larger robotic body, smashing his way into the White House after his election. Oddly, neither he or any other celebrity head used a robot body again.

Nixon's head's administration is marked by a violent and aggressive foreign policy, frequently entering into wars which have little or no purpose, and which occasionally backfire, leading to Earth being invaded by alien forces.

"Uh oh. I don't like where this is heading..."

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