Thursday, July 06, 2006


Looks like David Goyer is writing the script for the THOR movie. Goyer also wrote the Blade Movies and Batman Begins. Thor is a tough one... rarely has he ever been done right in the Marvel comics, so there's lots of room for the movie to suck. It should be rooted very much in Norse Mythology and NOT campy. Think Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings, but with a big Norse God of Thunder.

Recommended THOR reading material:
Thor Visionaries: Walt Simonson Vol 1-3
Thor Disassembled
Thor: Vikings


Anonymous said...

well i guess there goese much hope for THAT one being a grat movie...............sigh.......

Anonymous said...

I don't belive there has ever been a good Thor movie made yet...if this movie (good or bad) is based on the REAL God of Thunder and not the comic idiot I'll be happy. Besides, you can't get the movie good if you don't make a few trial runs first.
Good luck!!!