Notice how its just the normal alien from ALIENS? I really dislike the concept that the alien takes on physical attributes of its host. That was a new concept introduced in ALIEN3, which was a trainwreck of a production. It should be as it was, where the Alien looks the same regardless of its host.
BUT, if the Predalien HAD to have SOME physical attribute of the Predator, then the below pic is what I'd want to see. Simply add on the Predator's jaw structure (Mandibles). Nothing HUGE and ridiculous. The creature stays the same, but has that extra added element from the Predator. NO DREADLOCKS!!!!!! Also, eliminate the stupid idea of it procreating by itself..... by throwing up a chestburster into someone's mouth (jesus!). And with the JimSmash Predalien, it would not be the final baddie to be battled.... they really need to stop copying the Ripley/Queen final battle.... it would simply be another Alien warrior/drone that just happened to have gestated inside a Predator.
I like it!
The Jim Smash predalien, that is. Not the actualy dumb one.
To a non-alien buff I honestly wouldn't have known this wasn't a regular alien if you hadn't said you added the extra teeth. I guess I was just expecting more hybreedness. But as it is now, it does look good.
One problem with the "real" version is it just looks so tacky.
Exactly! That's my point... the Alien should NOT change appearnce depending on its host.
The Alien merely uses its host as an incubator... so really, its not a hybrid at all.... the first 2 aliens weren't called "Humalien", ya know?
The Newborn made sense because it was the result of gene splicing.
Hmmmm, I think I'll take this up to the main page and do a post. :)
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