In case you missed, they released some
INDY IV pics today. I can't help but get excited for this. I know I'm setting myself up for a huge disappointment, but sometimes the road of excitement is more enjoyable than the destination
(like with all 3 SW Prequels). Most people seem to want another
RAIDERS, which is one of the best movies ever made. Can they capture lightning twice? Doubtful, but that's ok... just don't make this one
WORSE than 2 or 3, man! I'm not asking for much, am I? Oh, and
Shia really looks like Indy's son... good casting, me thinks.... I just hope he pulls it off and doesn't go too over the top. Less is more, dude. Less is more.
*thanks, Andrew!
Indy fights the Predalien in this one...
Ha, nice!
The Smithsonian has it all wrong. We all know where it really is... Safe and sound. Keepers of the Lost Ark? - Link
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