Maxim: Magazine for Douchebags, has assembled some nice comparison pics of
comic vs
movie. Based on his current track record, I am opting for optimism and faith that
Zack Snyder will pull it off. Watchmen is one of those comics that most believe
cannot be pulled off... will he do it? We shall see.... The attention to detail is nice and appreciated, tho.
Contact your
local comic book store,
Golden Apple Comics (if you're in L.A.) or
LISA and ask for the Watchmen trade paperback! You will not be disappointed. Read the kickass comic first before seeing the movie!!!
"Watchmen" is a seriously overrated comic and the witting is nowhere near the level that everyone puts it on.
...keep in mind though that I read it for the first time 4 years ago, so I do understand that maybe for the people back in the 80's it was more powerful and revolutionary.
But even so... just looking at the writing. The pacing, the dialog, the structure, its all out of wake and its a super-super-slow read. I had to try three times before I was able to force myself to read it and by the time I got to the ending the pay off just wasn't worth it (again maybe this was different during the 80's).
So as a result I'm not really worried about what Snyder does with the film. I'm sure however he handles it, it will be an improvement.
Thanks for chiming in, Scott. [blank stare]
I'm young and naive.
But hey people... you should still buy it from Lisa @ Neptune Comics!
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