First step out, they are proving me Right in that the
GIJOE movie is in the wrong hands. They announced today that
SIENNA MILLER will portray
THE BARONESS. Wow, who is in charge of casting? I wonder if they have ever read a
GIJOE comic or even watched the
show. Apparently not. Someone needs to inform Stephen Sommers that these are
ESTABLISHED CHARACTERS, not just costumes you can throw on anyone.
sigh. And so it begins.....
Previous raging rant.
What's the problem and who would you rather have? I mean, she's hot - they'll probably dye her hair - and with make-up and junk like glasses why wouldn't she be OK? (I don't know who this Sienna is or how she acts granted.) But visually what's so wrong? Maybe they'll just do a total CG character and only use Sienna for mo-cap and V.O. LOL
The Baroness, while sexy, is also is a tall, athletic, dangerous agent of Cobra who can beat the hell out of just about anyone; she's the ulimate femme fatale warrior of espionage.
Sienna Miller is a 5'5" (105lb?) skinny model-turned-actor who probably couldn't open up a peanut butter jar, let alone beat the shit out of Duke and the Joes.
The Baroness is more than a pretty girl with black hair in a black costume. It's like putting Drew Carey in the Han Solo costume and going, "What? He looks just like Han!"
That's the problem.
ah~ I see.
Yeah, tall boots and low camera angles aren't going to go that kinda distance for her.
So, is it wrong to assume her acting isn't really up to par given her career started as model?
Maybe that's shallow of me. (It is Hollywood so will it even matter in the end?) heh heh
'HOT" dose not apply to EVERY frigging bad girl/hero/super-hero,......The Baroness is "sexy" yes,..but not in a pin-up way. She's dangerous, and deadly, and you don't want to get on her bad side. "Kala" from the 1980 Flash Gordon is a perfect example. put glasses on her, and let her hair down and your almost there. I think what Jim is mad about is this conception that "sexy" as a playmate, and nothing more. "sexy" comes from many different forms. It's the way you carry yourself,..NOT the way you necessarily look. Although the movie was sub-par,..the Borg "queen' In STAR TREK First Contact, is a great example of that. It seems that directors and writers have no perception of what a "strong", "sexy" female character looks and acts like, other than a 105 lb. stripper who can "kick some ass". it's becoming a cliche'
You had me until the sexy borg queen part. But kudos for bring her into the discussion! Hahaha!
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