"I have a tiny, wiggly flipper nose!"

"I have dreadlocks!"

"I have a pot-belly and saggy-boobs!"

"I procreate by regurgitating chestbursters into the mouths of my victims."

"...............you win."

"You both suck."
Note: I realize by constantly posting about this issue I am not only annoying everyone, but am basically advertising this dreadful movie. But I simply cannot sit back and be quiet. My voice must be heard, even if only on this silly site. To stand silent is just as bad as making the shitty creature and movie. Plus, I just have issues. Major. Issues. Please bare with.
Dude, I am totally with you on the fourth installment (except for my weird crush on Rider). The final alien had me almost laughing. You don't want to laugh during ALIEN, man, you just don't. Then when Ripley is touching it's face just before it get CARTOONISHLY SUCKED out of a small window...are we supposed to feel sorry for it!?!?! ARRRG! ALLENSTANDNEXTTOJIMANDSMASHTOO!
I thought the bastard-baby-thing came out weird because Ridley was part-alien. I didn't realize it came out that way because aliens were now taking on the characteristics of their hosts.
I think that these movies were successful , I do not why,but I think that these are wonderful!
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