I want to like, I really do. But these pics do not leave one with much hope. A teenage terminator girl in a mini-skirt helping out Sarah and John???.... and John looks like a smug little worthless punk who I want to throttle? Bah.
BAH I SAY!!! And the weird Terminator torso poster creeps me out. Look for it in the background on a future episode of "
To Catch A Predator". It puts the lotion on the Terminator.
I'll check it out to give it a chance, tho....
ONE CHANCE!!! hehe
Speaking of pooptastic Terminator junk..... it was revealed a week or so ago, but I might as well mention it here for this post-
McG ("Charlie's Angels") is set to direct
Terminator 4: Salvation.

Oh dear lord. And I thought
T3 was scraping the bottom.
Terminator 1 Rules!!!!!------------------------------
*pics from IGN.com
That pic where she is hanging by wires.....its a bit.."borg-queenish", no?
The only reason I might watch it is because it has Summer Glau from Firefly...
yea,..I was kind of stoked when i first heard about this until I saw the previews. Now it looks like someone took CHARMED, GILMORE GIRLES, SMAllVILLE, the last STAR TREK series ,The OC, and a 'Teen People' magazine, threw them in a pot, melted them down, molded a Manga Porn Bust out of it and slapped a Terminator label on it.
seriousy,..wtf???? How can you screw the idea up THIS badly....
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