Ok, that's the worst thing he did BESIDES making the Force a parasitic virus, creating Jar Jar, making Anakin a bitch, Yoda the flipping dancig frog warrior, that short order chef........*grumble grumble*...........
Anyschmoo, look at this new SNOWTROOPER figure. I love the Snowtroopers. Mainly because they are fucking rad. But this new figure..... it... it has the head of Jango... oh god how I hate it... I hate it sooo much... that... it... it... flam - flames. Flames, on the side of my face, heaving... breathle - , heaving breaths.... Heaving breath...
Grrrr, JIMSMASH!!!
Nice Madeline Kahn reference! I love that movie!
Yay! You got it, Leftyduck! Friends forever! :)
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