Pretend I went off for 3 paragraphs...
...so in conclusion, Cruise is simply wrong for the part. I don't HATE it, but its just wrong. If its an OLDER Pike, I say cast RAY LIOTTA... if it's a YOUNGER Pike, I say cast JAMIE BAMBER (Apollo on the new Battlestar Galactica)... or not.

Pike was cool, I always liked him and wanted to see more episodes of his tenure on the Enterprise... hey Abrams, make Star Trek movies about THAT era!!!!... instead of fucking up Kirk history with this new train wreck you're grunting out. *sigh* Who am I kidding... they'd just fuck that up and tarnish the history of Pike. Bah!
For those who don't know of him, here's a quick history lesson: Star Trek's original unaired pilot episode, "THE CAGE", had the Enterprise being run by CAPTAIN CHRISTOPHER PIKE, played by the late JEFFREY HUNTER. The studio thought the fledgling show was "too intellectual" and temporarily canned it before it even aired. Later, they tried at it again, but replaced PIKE with action go-getter KIRK (played by Shatner, who brought the Stage to Screen) and the rest is history. Later, they grabbed that unaired pilot and spliced it up as flashbacks for Star Trek Episode "THE MENAGERIE" where Spock is being court martialed for attempting to return a really-fucked up paralyzed PIKE (played by Sean Kenney) back to TALOS IV (an act punishable by death in Starfleet). It's a cool episode, I recommend giving it a whirl; Pike is a very different captain than Kirk.
Additional factoid: It is stated that SPOCK served with PIKE for 10 years before Kirk took over the captain's chair.
Well, as much as I agree with you Jim,.. in the "new" and "improved" Hollywood version of Star Trek, Vulcans are sexy, and the logical ones (like Spock) are just following a form of religion, and the others are just chuck full of emotion (they just don't show it that often). Every Alien species has Soooo much to learn from us humans, bc wer're a bunch of tough guy, bad asses who have flaws out the wahzoo, (but that's what connects us man) We don't need to aspire to be better,.bc we ROCK!!!.... . Along with the fact that Klingons are a campy,cliche' version of a sixties Viking movie (and for some reason Skrulls act like them now????...but I regress...) It's a new "envisioning" man,..c'mon, let the mythos "grow" with the times. why stick with what worked in the first place,..huh???
Why do any research??, screw the history of the show and what it's core was about.....just go with it man. Stop being so old and stuck in your ways..
I think Bendis and Millar would be great to write the script.........
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering.
On the path to the dark side you are.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....well what's this site for anyhow then??????
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