NOTE: If video no longer available, search for "AVP2 Trailer" on YouTube.... they keep taking it down due to copyright material... because, you know, people watching the trailer across the globe is bad for business.... anyway, search for it, its about 2:22 in length.
I'm very sad to see two of the best "cinema monsters" turned into cliche drivel. Especially the ALIEN, which as you all know is borderline religion for me, so this really hurts me. Why must FOX turn them into trite, slasher-baddies preying on horny teenagers? Expect to see the Predators in HOCKEY MASKS for "AVP THE THIRD".

And what's with the super lame PRED-ALIEN Hybrid?
It looks like the stupid KENNER ALIEN QUEEN figure from 1992!

That URL has already been removed, here's another one:
Yo, just wait till they remake Alien.
You know it's in the works. They'll put it out right after they remake Jaws.
I may do something drastic if they remake ALIEN or ALIENS....d-r-a-s-t-i-c.
They should call this Requiem for Jim's Childhood Dreams...
I'm sorry Jim. Fox is horrible to have done this to you...
I would be ok if they remade Alien 3 into the Earth War series... and pretend the rest never happened.
Tim is a man after my own heart!
Love the Jason Predator!
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