Even worse, inside is the horrible maxi-series "ALIENS: COLONIAL MARINES", bleecch. That series was simply god awful, silly, cartoonish, insulting and unreadable. I mean, the story included giant sea-monster Aliens (argh!!), Vasquez's supposed younger sister (ugh, puh-lease) and human-alien hybrids called "Bug Men" with their lame ass hillbilly over-all wearing leader (see pic). The interior art was pretty wretched, too. Just thinking about that series has my blood-pressure rising.....

I do, however, recommend the ALIENS OMNIBUS VOL 1
And of course, I recommend the before-mentioned ALIENS: TRIBES.
They should collect all the short Alien stories from Dark Horse Presents. There were two good ones that I can recall; the archaeologists exploring the old ruins (basically, the story line for AvP the movie - except better than that) and the first Aliens Vs Predator story.
Wait... This is supposed to be a Zombie Hulk, but it kind of looks like a Chestburster is making an exit too. Some other cool zombie figures here.
Five Fingers
Yeah that short story with the tomb raiders was cool! I remember thinking the tomb with eggs running alongside the base was a nice visual touch... and inspired my own tomb I will have built upon my own death.... you think I'm joking.
That first Aliens vs Predator series rocked!! And thankfully its not only collected as its own (including that AVP story you mentioned), but you can also pick up the ALIENS VS PREDATOR OMNIBUS which collects that and "Aliens Vs. Predator; Aliens Vs. Predator: War; Aliens Vs. Predator: Eternal, as well as stories from Dark Horse Presents". Sweet.
Awesome Zombie figures!!!! I shall post them! Thanks!
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