
*I've intentionally left out Cpt Pike & Crew from the pilot "The Cage", and Kirk/Scotty/Chekov from "Generations". For this post, its the entire cast or nothing! But here's a nod:
*I've intentionally left out Cpt Pike & Crew from the pilot "The Cage", and Kirk/Scotty/Chekov from "Generations". For this post, its the entire cast or nothing! But here's a nod:
Checkov in '66? Bah! 8D
That's why I labeled that one "1966-69" :P
(instead of just "1966")
Because we all know that Chekov didn't become a part of the crew until the 1st episode of Season 2, in 1967.
Which makes Wrath of Khan a retcon of sorts.... how would Khan remember Chekov when Chekov wasn't a crew member until after "Space Seed", season 1.
Wow, I just Nerded out hard.
trekken hard...
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