My last Aliens screening (2008) was at the Regency Fairfax Theater, and the print was so dirty, scratched up all-around shitty, it was like watching the movie through the Matrix.
But not this time! This time the NEW BEVERLY will be showing a brand new 35mm print!!! Also, "this time it's war!" (little Aliens joke there for ya)
UPDATE: I mistakenly said the previous, crappy screening I saw was at the New Beverly. That is incorrect. That screening was at the Regency Fairfax Theater. Apologies to the New Beverly. And thank you, Michael, for the clarification!
Sure, you could see "Aliens" at the vaguely porno-esque New Beverly this weekend.
Or you could save your republic credits and see it at the Arclight Sherman Oaks on Tuesday, March 24th at either 7:30 or 10:30.
Plus at Arclight, it's part of their 21+ screening, so you can watch the movie and sip your booze. As opposed to the New Beverly, where you can watch the movie and sit in ooze.
You must be mixing our theater up with another theater, because we haven't screened ALIENS for at least 7 to 10 years. We screened ALIEN: THE DIRECTORS CUT in 2008, and it was an extremely beautiful print.
We'll be the first theater to screen this brand new print of ALIENS, which was made in late January.
- Michael, owner of the New Beverly Cinema
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