Is everyone else completely uninterested and a bit insulted by this version as I am?
Where to begin.... for one, the new actor looks way too young. This is supposed to be SuperMAN, not SuperBOY. While i like the more muted colors, the small Superman chest logo doesn't work and the S-Belt buckle is just stupid. Also, the suit's collar...it looks like a costume with a towel shoved into the neckhole. I think they should have taken Reeve's costume and just applied the color scheme to it. Done.

Contrast and compare.
Reeves = Superman.
Routh = Chump in a halloween costume.
Christopher Reeve WAS Superman.
He nailed it.
This guy (Routh) looks like Jason Schwartzman from Rushmore!

You're getting old dude, he is a Man, just a younger one than you.
And X-men was good, X-men2 better, and maybe they'll also keep the super celophane S that Reeves used in 2. "That was a minor inconvience"
No way, he looks like a WB high school student (meaning about 23).
Apparently Routh is 25, the same age as Christopher Reeves when he did the first Superman. Look at those 2 pics and tell me they look the same age. No way.
And only non X-Men fans thought the X-Men movies were great. They weren't bad, but they also weren't really "The X-Men."
Other costume observance:
His red pants are cut lower so the ladies get some defined rock ab action going on...hehehe
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