Hmmm, how can we get the homeless to be more proactive in our community? Well, one mayor candidate in Kelowna, B.C. has a spectacular suggestion:
Use crack as a reward or incentive!

Andrew Uitvlugt says
crack could be used to get homeless people to do constructive work in the city, like picking up garbage! Once they've done their duties, he figures the addicts will feel so good about themselves, they may not need the crack, or less of it.
Halso wants to move the homeless to a combined shelter and retraining center at the city dump. He says they could use the available materials to build things and get marketable skills.
What a jackass.
1 comment:
Not surprisingly, it comes from BC.
Personally, I would think offering things like food, shelter, some dignity and self respect would go further, but hey! what do I know.
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