Monday, May 01, 2006


Today blows. I'm coming down with a cold, it's monday and Hollywood is pissing me off something fierce:

Click here to see a clip from X-Men 3. It's abyssmal. Between the bad acting, bad writing, bad directing, bad editing and bad sound, I think they've achieved their goal in killing this franchise. God, the amount of bashing comments within this clip is astonishing.

Click here to see a Coke commercial featuring some new Superman Returns footage. If you crank up the audio, you can hear Christopher Reeve rolling in his grave. If anyone happens to run into Bryan Singer, please kick him in his nuts and yell "JimSmash!!!!"Remake Hell News:
-They are remaking Revenge of the Nerds. Why, you unimaginative Douchebags?!!
-They are remaking Clash of the Titans. Bastards. If I could, I'd release the Kraken upon their dumbass Studio. Bah!

You know, sometimes I'm ashamed to be apart of the Hollywood Poop Machine.


Lisa said...

So, is Hollywood or Bryan Singer the Villain of the Day today?

Jim said...

hahaha, actually MONDAY is today's Villain. But I'll post a True VotD later. :)

Mr. Legs said...


Anonymous said...

Sweet Jesus!! Those 2 clips are "abyssmal" as Jim said!! Man, I was kind of looking forward to those movies. After seeing some footage not so much. (love the word balloons, by the way. nice touch).

and the remakes are a crime.

spaceJASE said...

If you are "apart" as you say, then you're not really "a part" of it all are you... ? But I think that you are a part and you will never be able to separate yourself from that which you hate. Love it or leave it baby.

Come make games with me. We base them on bad movie remakes. LOL

Jen said...

They are Remaking
Clash of the Titans????
That's Just Wrong!


Jim said...

Yes, and the last I heard of it, they had completely removed the Gods from the script, including any kind of tampering with the Mortals.

That's like removing Apollo Creed from Rocky.

Anonymous said...

that part with superman flying (used in your pic)had me laughing outloud. this movie is going to suck eggs.

I wont even comment on the embarrassing x-men clip.

Anonymous said...

both movies look TERRIBLE!!!!!!