Today's "Villain of the Day":
(from Diff'rent Strokes)
The Gooch was the name of the bully who always picked on Arnold on Diff'rent Strokes. The Gooch was referred to in various episodes but was never seen. Perhaps because he was too scary.
Mr. Horton used to have Arnold and Dudley come see him everyday at his bicycle shop. He treated them to pizza, ice cream, porno, wine and let them do things their parents would never let them do. After luring them into his living room, he got Dudley to take his shirt off by saying, 'Let's play Tarzan'. When Mr. Drummond heard about it, he called the police and they caught him in the act.
What did Diff'rent Strokes teach us?
That rich White men are the salvation for all poor Blacks' problems.
Don't ya miss the Reagan 80s?!
*thanks to Melchy, Master of all 80s Sitcoms!
Mmmmm... Pizza, ice cream, wine, and porn? I'm taking my shirt off right now!
That sure is a nice bike Mr. Horton! Can I ride?
Kinko, Kinko, the kid luving clown!
All the parents wanna do is run me outta town!
Come on over after school and go in Kinko's crawl space, there's never any rules!!!!!!!!!!!!
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