Wednesday, May 03, 2006


What could have been.... In 1982, due to the overwhelming success of various action figure lines (GIJoe, Transformers, Star Wars, He-Man, etc), Hasbro began developing a toyline based on THE DARK CRYSTAL!!! The action figure part of the line would included 6 main characters which came with a piece of the Crystal which could be assembled when you "collected them all." Sweet. Pics of carded figures are Jen, Kira, Happy Pod Peasant, & Slave Pod Peasant.
There were also 3 additional LARGER figures planned; The Landstrider, Mystic and Garthim. Unfortunately, the toyline never made it to the stores. Bastards!!!! In addition to the action figure line, there was going to be a Plush Fizzgig, Aughra Mug/Planter, and a killer looking Skeksis Mug!!!

Sucks they were never released. The good news, however, is that NEW stuff is now being made based not only on Dark Crystal, but on Labyrinth, too (Ya hear that, Mr Legs?!). Items planned so far include resin & pvc busts, statues and dioramas!! Dig the currently available busts (not great, but still neat!).

* Click on all images to enlarge for a better look! *
I found the info of the old unreleased stuff at
Here are some links to a couple fun pages on their site:


Mr. Legs said...
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Mr. Legs said...

That is a shame that they were never released! We all would have had them...sigh.

The busts aren't that bad. However, Augra looks like a Shi Tzu. Wouldn't turn them down as gifts though.