Thursday, March 01, 2007


Andrew posted on his blog that in the pilot episode of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (current series), you can see Firefly's SERENITY ship flying over Caprica! Cool!!!!

Cruise over to his blog, "BE STILL MY BLOG OF WAR" where he has some other goodies posted!


Cucumberslices said...

That is cool! Is there some kind of connection between Firefly and BSG that I'm not catching onto here or is this just totally random?

Jim said...

No, I don' think there's a connection outside of geeky hidden cameo.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

The only real connection is Zoic do the FX for both shows. Mind you saying that another connection between the Firefly and Battlestar Galactica universes is that neither have any Alien lifeforms that we see.

Tubz101 said...
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Tubz101 said...

looks like, is that the scene when the president finds out she shes die'n?