Found this the other day - its a custom made model of a
FEMALE Predator. I'm not quite sure what to think. I guess I feel why bother? Why not make the Predator an
ASEXUAL creature? While this may look cool on its own, I think it opens up too many bad possiblities. And the "sexy" approach is trite and creepy. Nice job on the actual sculpt and paint, tho.
What do you all think?
-it's early and I'm tired :)
Nice model !! I'd quite like to see this in a movie, kind of Amazonian Predator !!
GAH! Pass on Oral.
god I must have been REAl tired this morning,..there are so many button fouls, and miss spelled words,..... even for me.......ehhhh, what can I do?????
maker, next time ya might want to include a note as to the tone of your post.... some may misread/misinterpret what you're saying... especially those who don't know you. :)
I long had the inclination to believe that the Predators in the movies were actually female, if they had any gender at all.
Its not such a stretch to believe. With social predators like lions, females do a majority of the hunting. Also, since these are reptilian beings and possibly even silicon based (they use glass to heal themselves) they wouldn't need the quintessential mammalian attributes, such as breasts, to be female.
Also in the 1st "Aliens Vs Predator" comic series by Dark Horse, the main Predator is revealed to be a female.
I guess comprise is the best solution here: GALACTIC HERMAPHRODITES!
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