Friday, August 11, 2006


This one is for my fellow comic nerds....

A Civil War parody: CIVIL WARDROBE

The premise: The Old Fanboy Warriors are meeting in one of their parents' basement to talk about what's wrong with the comic industry. When they are killed in a massive explosion from a mysterious assailant. This gives the government the impetus to pass the Decompression Act, on the basis that rather than dying in three pages, the Old Fanboy Warriors story could have been stretched out for a couple of years and a few trade paperbacks. This splits the superhero community in half. Some support increased decompression, others want to return to the glory days of self contained stories in 19 pages or less. As a result the heroes are renamed, restyled, renamed, revamped ready to fight.

Hits comic shelves this October.


Anonymous said...

I just asked my store earlier today to get this for me.

Lisa said...

This sounds hillarious, and Rick Johnston was very quick to get back to me with information. Just know that he often uses some VERY "adult" humor. (In one comic he had one character offer sex to pay her rent, and she later beats the male character to death with a dildo)

Rich Johnston said...

Lisa... what?

Rich Johnston said...

Hang on, you're thinking of The Unfunnies. That was written by Mark Millar (also the writer of Civil War). Are you confusing it with Holed Up?