ARGH!!! I've been summoned for
Jury Duty AGAIN! Twice in as many years.
WTF? Are you telling me that in
LOS ANGELES, the largest populated city in America, there aren't enough people to draw from for this? First time I gladly did it and proudly felt I was doing my duty as a citizen and appreciated the system that [relatively] protects your Rights.
Fuck that this time! Haha. Also, last time I lost 2 weeks of pay and it deadlocked... and I was an
ALTERNATE Juror, so I just sat in the fucking hall for a week. I can't afford that again. This time, I'm going in drunk and beligerent. I'll pay whatever fines they give me - it will be cheaper than losing a paycheck or more.
Just tell them you're either a Christian Fundamentalist or a Neo-Nazi and I guarantee that either one will get you quickly removed from the jurry pool.
Serving once a year does seem a bit weird to me. In NY it's once per TEN years.
Get a Star Trek old-skool uniform and you'll be OUT!
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