* David Lynch was originally offered the chance to direct this episode of the series. He turned it down because he believed it was "Lucas' thing." David Cronenberg was also offered the chance to direct.
* During the shot in which Salacious Crumb is chewing off C-3P0's eye, Anthony Daniels had a panic attack while in the C-3P0 suit. While filming, he didn't actually say his lines (all his lines were dubbed in post-production anyway), but repeated "Get me up. Get me up." over and over. This take is the take used in the final film.
* Mark Hamill's wife gave birth to their first son (Nathan Hamill) early one morning, and Mark went straight from the hospital to shooting. This was the day they filmed the shots of Luke hanging by the weather vane below Cloud City, on Bespin.
* The voiceover line "The first transport is away" during the Rebel evacuation is delivered by Mark Hamill.
* The scenes where R2-D2 is submerged in the mud pool were shot in George Lucas' unfinished swimming pool. Most of the crew was hidden under the water and the entire sequence was allegedly shot by George Lucas himself.
* Costume designer Aggie Guerard Rodgers says that the inspiration for Leia's slave outfit came from the artwork of Frank Frazetta, which often focused on the female form.
* One of the original ideas for Lando Calrissian was to have him as a clone who survived the Clone Wars.

More to come....
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