Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Holy shit! I almost spit my coffee when I saw this, from my good friend Ms Otterhavver!! I'd type more about this but I think the below image and text is enough. Click here for more holy goodness!

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I think I just found My halloween costume....P.S. How F'n cool would it have been when you were a kid, If your parents bought you pajamas that looked like a friggin siute of armor!!!!! AND IT COMES WITH A SHIELD!!!!!!! awsome. Seriously, I want the Moses Staff next Christmas,..then me and my friends can go play Dungeons and Dragons......ROCK ON JESUS!!!!!!!!
Get a pair of these for yourself and wear them to your jurry duty thing. You should then be permanently removed from further summons.
The perfect out of Jury Duty!!
I was looking for the perfect outfit for the kids for our trip to the middle east.
I am speechless
Bible Belt! Bible Belt! Bible Belt!
These are the same kinda people that are the fanatical base that are intolerant of muticultural peoples. They got an extra drinking fountain stashed away just in case the public reverts to an aparthied base in the future! They watch FOX news! OH there I go again!!!!
Mee thinkst Thou Listen to too much Talk Radio........
three big hazzahs to Richard the Lionhearted's comment.
Crazy Flanders kids.
Speaking of intolerent.......pot...kettle....black.....get it?
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