If you get a strobe light fast enough, you can make it look like dripping water is going in slow motion or even backwards. This phenomenon happens because strobe lights can 'capture' an instant in time and allow your eyes to see it as lasting longer than an instant.
So if the strobe light captures consecutive instants of time just out of sync with a periodic occurrence such as dripping water from a faucet, it can appear that the drops are moving slowly or even backwards.
That's not fair. I thought it was something for sale. Not a project someone did. I'm too lazy to build my own. I just want to buy one.
Preach on, brutha!
That's why I buy painted statues and nicely done toys instead of model kits! :)
I didn't look, was there contact info on that page? Maybe he could build you one. heh
lol took me a few pages but I found his email:
Here is the email the guy sent back to me:
Heh, I've been getting e-mails left and right asking to buy the Time Fountain. I had no idea it would be so popular. I have decided I will make five of these Time Fountains by hand and sell them. If you'd like one, please bid on the eBay auction below:
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Nate True
the guy needs tp patten it, before we see it on some infomecial...................hmmmmmmmmm by the way,...where is the nearest patten office?????
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