Tuesday, October 09, 2012


Ha, my buddy sent this to me - fun!

But the nerd in me says that's the wrong cockpit shape - that one looks more like an A-Wing's. If it was was Vader's TIE Figther, there would be 2 separate doors flying up into the air. OR, 2 separate doors still attached but merely in the 'open' position (like the Toy). Plus, that's VADER'S TIE Fighter... no one shoots Vader out of the sky. Well, Han Solo did, but it only caused Vader to spin out of control momentarily - he never ejected. Gah! This sweet pic is riddled with inaccuracies!!!

*thanks Maker & Melchy! 

UPDATE: Scamandrios Hakka has chimed in on the Han/Vader thing:
"Actually, Solo never hit Vader , he missed, an inept TIE pilot lost his nerve, bumped Vader's fighter, and thus allowed the terrorist Skywalker to murder thousands of Imperials. So the pilot lacking any nerve is an unsung hero of the Rebellion and began a chain reaction that would allow the galaxy to be too weak to resist an invasion that would cost the lives of billions"
Hahaha, awesome. Ok, yes, technically Han did not shoot Vader "out of the sky", but in my defense, Vader being spun out of the Death Star Trench was a result of Han's attack on Vader & his 2 accompaning TIE Fighters. I also think this contributed to Vader's mad-on to capture Han in 'Empire' and take pleasure in torturing & freezing Han - Vader's Pilot Pgo was scuffed a few times by Solo. Thanks for the correction. And LOVE the 'New Jedi Order' reference & perspective!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Actually, Solo never hit Vader , he missed, an inept TIE pilot lost his nerve, bumped Vader's fighter, and thus allowed the terrorist Skywalker to murder thousands of Imperials. So the pilot lacking any nerve is an unsung hero of the Rebellion and began a chain reaction that would allow the galaxy to be too weak to resist an invasion that would cost the lives of billions. Oh, and cool pic, aside from the cockpit issues, that is.