So all us Geeks n' Dorks have been talking about the new
SUPERMAN costume in
Zack Synder's upcoming Super-Attempt. I'll spare you all my thoughts on the,
dark color scheme &
lack of red pants...
...but I did want to post something about how the new costume not only looks like in-line with the new Jim Lee designed
NuSuperman (New 52 Relaunch)...

...but it also looks like
EVIL Superman from

Honestly, the new
[comic] costume is growing on me... despite the
fucking armor and
lack of red pants... but hey, I've decided to roll with it
(Stage 05: Acceptance).
I just find it odd that they'd
reboot Superman for a
new Generation, Century & Millennium in a costume that looks extremely similar to a
pre-existing, psychotic, parallel world, evil Superman. Weird, kinda funny... and perhaps a bit telling.
I put together some more comparisons between
ULTRAMAN and the

I'm curious how the New Superman will be... he hasn't been
that great these last 25 years, really (with a handful of exceptions)... so I'm open to some Super Change, I guess. As long as he's still true to the
stories are GOOD. We'll find out soon enough....
Thankfully the DC Reboot is being handled by all the same creators who have been steering the DC Ship these last 10 years+ into a state... where... they felt a reboot... was necessary.... ah, crap.
I think that what bugs me about all of the recent costumes is that they look like rubber. From the moment Michael Keaton tore off the rubber mask in the second Batman to the Spiderman and new Superman, they look rubbery and dull.
never mess with an ICON...he looks so dumb. I'm not seeing this movie ever...the other one was astinker and so will this one be as well. Now maybe if he was wearing his trunks...ok. But...nahh!
agreed, STOP trying to re- invent the wheel. he's an Icon, He's a Classic. When Studio's/artists/Marketing decide in all of their brilliance to change things with the argument " well kids today can't relate, we have to appeal to a new generation" is the sad equivalent of Colonel Sanders doing a hip hop rap in his best Snoop Dog inpersonation to get people to but KFC ( Kentucky Fried Chicken..), or a hip Micky mouse, or whatever the oldest celebrity is at the time using slang and stupid hand gestures along with any other cheesy marketing ploy to try and appear hip and "current. Some things are constants. stories, characters, and principals. you don't need to change them. they are universal.
The red briefs ALWAYS looked queer.
The reason that there is such a similarity, not just with Ultraman but also Superboy from Titans of Tomorrow (I believe it is) is because they realized that they were giving all the kick ass outfits to everyone BUT Superman.
Now, finally, they've given Superman the kick ass outfit that he should have had in the first place. And it's sort of a combination of all of them.
I find great shame in knowing that I was once a huge Jim Lee fan. He's terrible and I do believe that his time has long past.
This "new" Superman outfit is terrible, horrible, bad, and I'm sure it will, like all other reboots, last but for a few months/years before being re/un/double-retconned away.
Anybody ever had the thought that Superman AND Ultraman are in the new movie???
I love the new Superman suit, both, in the comic AND the movie!
They are called trunks. As in swim trunks....they did not look QUEER...( an UN-pc term I may add ) The costume was color coordinated...red blue-red-blue...dash of yellow. Now he looks like all those Japanese Super hero Knock offs...he's a knock off of himself...kids can't relate because they can't be reached these days...its the era of video games...this won't introduce more kids to Superman...they could care less...same as always lately.
Besides the design composition factor, there's the historical one... Superman was created in the 1930s. He's dressed in the same vein as a Strong Man of that time. He's visually expressing "Strength".
and Super Man isn't supposed to be "kick Ass" he's an icon that instills the potential, hope, and what's best in all of us. Trying to make everything ' KickAss" is sophomoric, and is the reason The SW prequels, AVP, and every other cheese p.o.s that TV and Hollywood produce range from less than Par to just plain out fanboy, jerkoff fest, suck. I prefer substance over " that looks AWESOME' any day of the week.
does that "new Superman" w/ the armor-looking CRAP & red belt (but no pants/shorts?!?!? WTF??) have a...
seriously, this pop/emo/emasculated BULLSHIT has now completely ruined what we know as "pop culture".
i'm not saying that because i'm "old", which i'm not, like some old fart whining about "that darned loud guitar music", i'm just horrified at how much shit seems to ROYALLY SUCK nowadays.
quit selling your souls to these stupid little punks, who were clearly not taught how to NOT be stupid little punks by their dipshit parents. ...like fucking "horror" movies being PG-13?!?!?
i mean, there's still some good this or that, like there are wonderfully made R-Rated films still, but come on.
ok, sorry, i'll turn the rant switch back to "off".
Well I don't care what the rest of you say, Superman was due for a new twist. Do you know ANYONE who says Superman is their favorite super-hero? I'm guessing it's probably Batman, or Wolverine, or Punisher or Iron Man or Captain America, or some other guy who is more "bad ass" than Superman is.
Superman "isn't supposed to be bad ass"? I'm sorry, you seem to be talking about a character whose first appearance didn't involve throwing a wifebeater through a wall, who didn't break into a governor's house to save an innocent life no matter what it took. He's inspirational, sure, but a lot of that idea that Superman is inspirational but somehow isn't "supposed to be", you know, actually cool, is just due to BAD WRITING.
Basically what I'm saying is that this new guy can have some Ultraman look and some Ultraman attitude, as long as he still holds true to the character's core: a man uses his alien powers to help people, fight crime, and he never ever kills. I am going to watch the hell out of Man of Steel when it comes out.
PS: That is not a Bieber haircut, and you gotta be trippin' if that's what you see.
Well I know I'm one who says Superman is their favorite character. :)
Batman started out gunning down criminals with a Tommy Gun. Some characters evolve and over time are refined, like Superman.
I agree with your statement, "as long as he still holds true to the character's core: a man uses his alien powers to help people, fight crime, and he never ever kills."
I just want Superman to look like a hero, not a villain. If this new suit Superman showed up and tossed a car, I'd think he was a bad guy at first. Superman is about instilling Hope in others. This "Imperial" suit does the opposite.
But a change was needed. So far I hate the new Superman. He's a cocky fuck in Justice League, and the George Perez book is abysmal. A new creative team is coming onboard in several months, but its the same dude who had control over Superman in the 90s.
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