nothing lame, at all, about being able to see him rip it up in the prequels. seriously. not taking away from anything Oz & Co. did in the originals, of course, but nothing short of beautiful to see a "younger" (only by a mere 30 or so yrs out of almost a THOUSAND) whip that ass.
I have to agree with JIM on this one. seeing him jump around like a frog in the prequels was ridiculousness. If anything YODA is beyond petty theatrics. And if in a duel, would use the force and sabre skills in a more subtle way. (ie,..simple deflections,...blocking objects with other objects, using his light sabre like the 'Glaive' ect..) Jumping around and acting like a wild frog is for the young and nothing more than peacocking. That's why the duel btwn Obi Wan and Vader in STAR WARS ( NOT 'episode IV') is more brilliant now than ever was before,..because they are so strong in the force, such good fighters, that it only takes one move to end it, the entire fight is fought 5 moves ahead of time, with subtle reflexive reactions knowing that the slightest miscalculation would end in defeat. The fact EVERYONE fights like wild , wire stunt, ninjas ( as if there are NO other fighting styles in the entire universe )in the prequels is one of it's biggest downfalls...
Yes please! On a side note, I prefer predator :) (now following)
Thanks, Doria!
Also... he was literally more lame in the originals... and more able in the prequels... but.. i get what you are saying.
Nothing lame about him in the originals!!! :P
Nothing BUT lameness in the prequels.
nothing lame, at all, about being able to see him rip it up in the prequels. seriously. not taking away from anything Oz & Co. did in the originals, of course, but nothing short of beautiful to see a "younger" (only by a mere 30 or so yrs out of almost a THOUSAND) whip that ass.
I personally like both versions of him, however, something seemed off about Yoda in TPM. He looked odd in that one movie.
We'll have to agree to disagree. I hated Yoda in all 3 prequels.
I have to agree with JIM on this one. seeing him jump around like a frog in the prequels was ridiculousness. If anything YODA is beyond petty theatrics. And if in a duel, would use the force and sabre skills in a more subtle way. (ie,..simple deflections,...blocking objects with other objects, using his light sabre like the 'Glaive' ect..) Jumping around and acting like a wild frog is for the young and nothing more than peacocking. That's why the duel btwn Obi Wan and Vader in STAR WARS ( NOT 'episode IV') is more brilliant now than ever was before,..because they are so strong in the force, such good fighters, that it only takes one move to end it, the entire fight is fought 5 moves ahead of time, with subtle reflexive reactions knowing that the slightest miscalculation would end in defeat. The fact EVERYONE fights like wild , wire stunt, ninjas ( as if there are NO other fighting styles in the entire universe )in the prequels is one of it's biggest downfalls...
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