Thursday, July 21, 2011


Poop - now I need to buy a Nintendo DS.... because they're making a sweet ALIENS game; 'ALIENS: INFESTATION'. Anyone have a DS they don't want anymore?!

more info HERE

*thanks Willie!


Tim said...

Sweet! I still have the Alien 3 and AvP games for the SNES. Is there a release date Mr. Smash?

Jim said...

In the link, it says "September 2011".... if anyone picks it up, let me know how it is!

Jeyl said...

This is awesome news. Last year, a trailer leaked online showcasing this game with some very impressive in-game graphics along with the BEST GAWDDANG ALIENS SONG EVER!!!!! Here's a link.

Since the audio quality isn't that good, I'll try to translate it. I'll cover the uncertain translations in ().

ALIEN! They say it's structural perfection's matched only by it's hostility! Even artificial persons are impressed. It prays on men. Don't need no special suit, don't need no nukes and don't need artillery..... To rip right through your chest.

ALIENS-UH! Just stay inside a living human host and have some concentrated acid for blood! They mostly come at night.. MOSTLY! Their fate depends on whether there's an airlock, whether they're in space, and whether there's a chick who's just too (massively good) But the pros have come to fight...but the pros say..

THEY HAVE TO GET OFF LV-426.... AND NUKE IT FROM ORBIT LIKE CORPORAL HICKS! But they know.. who ever said that there's no real monsters? Never battle with the ALIEEEEN! (Throwing down) for the company! It's something we've never seen before. (Bring us more! Xenomorph! This time!)

Sheila D. said...

You can have mine! It's pink! ;)