LatinoReview posted some first-look pics of the new
CONAN playbed by Stargate dude
Jason Momoa:

Suddenly that
THOR pic isn't looking so bad, is it?
Looks like a
SyFy Original to me. Or along the lines of
This movie is going to suck. It will be full of Cliche's, cheese, over the top action because that's what people THINK it's supposed to be, unnecessary CG, pretty people who just walked in off the casting couch that will stick out like a sore thumb , and a simplistic cheese plot.
But they will sell it with the original score, and sucker in a bunch of idiots in opening weekend, and it will be deemed a 'success'.
I F'n hate Hollywood
Yeah, this looks terrible. That dude is nowhere NEAR close to being as buff and huge as Conan should be...another shame.
I didn't know Conan was a Basketball player. Seriously, who's in charge of casting? And if your chosen to play Conan, how about hit the gym and get in 'Conan' shape......Jesus this movie is going to suck
I thought he was awesome in SG Atlantis, but he's not big enough for the role.
Every time I look at these pics I throw up in my mouth a little bit.
I can't keep the vomit in my mouth.
Ok ... who should they have cast Dolph Lungren ... Dwayne Johnson? As always most people only know conan from the shitty Govenator movies. Anyone they cast would be derided. Look at the artwork done during Howard's lifetime.
Look at the comics from the 70s. This guy looks more like the original Conan than McRoid-Swartzenager did. Don't get me wrong I grew up watching the Ahhhh-nold version and have a nostalgia for it. But I'm not going to pre-judge the new film because it doesn't copy those really campy films. Those films did not follow the real Conan storyline at all, they had pretty laughable acting and aside from oilded up roid monster Arnold ... what did they have? The most amazing thing from those films was the soundtrack by Basil Poledouris. If anything people should be far more concerned with the soundtrack and the script for the new film ... who cares if this guy is a stupid bad accent roid-monekey. The original Conan was lean and mean ... he wasn't a stupid WWE style roid freak.
Most people think of Frazetta's Conan covers when they think of Conan nowadays. And this dude doesn't cut it.
My main issue is the apparent production level. Now, these are behind the scenes, so you never know what's going to be up on the screen in the end. But from here, eveything looks too clean and new... like a made-for-cable tv movie.
I wouldn't want them to get Lungren or god forbid The Rock... nor would I want another Arnold. I love the Arnold version and his physique at the time properly portrayed the presence Conan would have... but he did not look like Conan, to me (espeically with the hair).
We shall see what this new Conan does... but for now, my initial reaction is underwhelmed.
Also, I love the first Arnold Conan... but do not acknowledge "Destroyer" :)
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