JimSmash Reader
nfpgasmask's comments in "
Alien Video Poster", inspired me to go ebay hunting. While I did not find the video poster, I did find
ALIENS on Beta Tape - something I've been searching for for over 12 years! Score, its now
MINE! And yes, I do still have a working Beta player... but that's irrelevant - I just wanted it for the Collection.
*thanks, nfpgasmask!
**thanks, Jason - for the linux screengrab learnin'
I have a VHS Rental copy that I won in a competition when it first arrived on video, the UK rental boxes where bigger in size that the sell through sized boxes when they eventually started releasing VHS in the UK cheap enough to buy. A rental copy of a film would have set you back anywhere between £80-90 at the time !!
Sorry to hear about Dorf.....he musta been quite special to you and your friends...NOERB
Nice score, Jim!
Dorf? What?
Did Tim Conway die?
I can't find any news.
Please elaborate, someone!
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