Bubbashelby, crookymike, Homie Bear, Richard G., Unkiedev, Andrew, Timewaster, Sweet Monkey Fritters, nfpgaskmask, Ali, Bat Guano, TRex, Jason, allen etter,jaganar, Dylan, Erin, Maker,Otter, irish paulie, Paul M Kelly, Dr. Lazarus, Randallw, Pepsilover, Frank Gillespie, Woobot, NOERB, helen, Bree, Sheila D., johnny, Mr. Legs, el malefico doctor Bob, M., Basic, James, Red JimSmash, SPACE CADET MULON, Rich, Kelly Hogaboom, Scott King, Jen, Jason Garrett, Space Jase, clark kent, ledo, DanO, Melchy, muli yahbes, Multiple Miggs, Greg Manuel, WGoldman, Phil Freeman, Blue Diablo, Kid Kyoto, MOCK!, Fraser Lovatt, Sabres21768, Chris Ausbrooks, Kelli, Genevieve Lopez, Grayson, Five Fingers, Lisa & Craig, threelegdog, Leftyduck, Kevin, Jon, Alex, Aiden Glynn, Dysphory, Savannah Travis, Mr. G, Dino, Shane Winter, Ulises, Ben Granoff, pacimage, Dylanio21, Xenos, cRINGo, Van Richten, Donald, Phillip, patman, MORS, Dima, Daniel O. Garcia, Matthew, rivera2171, GC, Futchy, Brent, Roberto, ricardonevarez, Roberto, Jude, zombob, Andy, Giordano, blaze, Greg Neat, Victor E., Sir Real, Glenn Ponka, Autonomous, SpaceCowl4, LFC, Sr.8, Mohammad Zulnaim, pigrocknoisefuck, mblessing, Simon Magnus, Gina, Nick Azar, king awesomo, Chris, Siomon, randark, Comic Fan, Matthew Scheuerman, lydergeogeo, parker, bos, LaserBrain!, Nik Holmes, Valkaad, Reeze, stuclach, Wayne, Fuji, Buffalostyle, guerrillascribe, Eric Paul, rio martin, Cris, Acerbus, Haight, FunkyM, Hendell, Jimmy, ramon Villalobos, John, onefinemess, blake-reitz, danny, lowedennis, No Future Productions, Rictor, Johannes Almborg, lemdra. ACcountryfan, Levistus, Ray Smyth, the Nerd Patrol, Deric, Norris, Luis Cisneros, Eduardo, JamesW, porosus, dmarks, Amdrei, minh thu, Jezebel, Willux, adam, Jason Oremland, RED, GregoryG, TrevorC, Ducky Lover, mr_thye, Erik, CJ, Meghan, stranger, gen71, Xear, Reymundo, Gerard, AlexM, Nick Girls, Litaa, Michael, RandyBMcK, Tim, Matt, Larry, Wunder, ...j..., Brian Sibley, she-ra!, Father Wookie, Mike Haseloff, Jessie, Mr_Tansey, mimicrulz, Joe....the many anonymous posters, those who've I've mistakenly left out (apologies!) and those who read JimSmash but do not comment!
*if I excluded anyone, let me know & I will add you to the list!
Thanks for entertaining us!
Right back atcha, Jim!
awwwwwww....so sweet, made my morning:) Happy Turkey Day.
Thank you for smashing!
A lot of thanks from sweden. Hope you have a great thanksgiving!
Thank you for a great blog!
Best Wishes from Poland Jim
Keep smashing :)
I'm thankful for JimSmash! Enjoy your American thanksgiving. We were already thankful last month but I don't mind bringing out the grateful one more time.
A blessed Thanksgiving day back at ya Jim!
oh sweet how'd u know my name? i'm mean when i comment i'm mostly anonymous =P lol oh well HAPPY THANKSGIVVING JIM OLD BUDDY!
I have spies everywhere, LFC.
Ok, actually I just went through my "JimSmash Comment Notification" emails and grabbed all the names that were posted over the years. Unfortunately, many emails were lost awhile back, so I'm afraid I excluded some. But the list posted are those who have commented before.
Thanks again!
Jim, thank you! MORS said it all... enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday!
Thank you!
Keep on smashin'!
Thank you! Have a great one man
I'm so cool right now :)
You're welcome - and keep smashing!
The least I could do after reading your blog every day is point out links once in a while. Keep smashing!
Keep up the good work! NOERB
My WV is impur!
Wow man, thanks! I'm sorry I'm only seeing this now! But happy (belated) Thanksgiving to YOU, and happy holidays all-around!
Only just saw this - My thanks to YOU good buddy! Keep up the good work.
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