MARK LENARD is a fantastic actor!
He makes his way into the
JimSmash Actor Hall of Fame for 5 bitchin' roles:

He makes his way into the
JimSmash Actor Hall of Fame for 5 bitchin' roles:
'Romulan Commander' (Star Trek: TOS: 'Balance of Terror')
'Klingon Commander' (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
SAREK (Star Trek: TOS, Movies, TNG)
'Prosecutor' (Hang 'Em High)
URKO (Planet of the Apes)
'Klingon Commander' (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
SAREK (Star Trek: TOS, Movies, TNG)
'Prosecutor' (Hang 'Em High)
URKO (Planet of the Apes)
*(pics via aveleyman)
Jim, Mark Lenard was a fantastic actor. He passed away in 1996. I met him once at a convention... great guy. Loved his voice!
IS a fantastic actor. Recorded media breathes life into the dead.
Mark Lenard has been one of the greatest actor from Hollywood of all times. H e has a natural talent to act, and it was notorious in the different performance he did during his career.
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